Chem 335 - Winter 1999 - Organic Chemistry II
Portland State University - Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 15 Homework

Brown & Foote, pages 581 - 592 :
Problems 15.14 - 22, 24 - 27, 31 - 35, 41, 44 - 52, 57 - 65

 1. Write complete names for each of the following:



2. Write a complete mechanism for the acid-catalyzed formation of the cyclic acetal between acetone and cis-1,2-cyclopentanediol.
Explain why an acetal is not formed with the trans isomer.

3. Develop a synthetic sequence for 3-ethyl-3-hexanol that uses as organic starting materials only alcohols having four carbons or fewer.

4. Explain how acetone in the presence of radioactively-labelled water (H2O-18) slowly becomes radioactive itself.