Organic Chemistry II

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chem 335 - Winter 2007

Chapter 14 Skills


Knowledge - Level 1


organometallics, Grignard reagents
carbenes, carbenoids, alpha-elimination
Simmons-Smith reaction
18-electron rule
Ziegler-Natta catalysis

Concepts - Level 2

identify bond polarity in organometallic compounds and its effect on reactivity

identify carbenes and carbenoids structure and reactivity

Applications - Level 3

name organometallic compounds

predict products of reactions in organometallic additions to carbonyl compounds, dialkylcuprate coupling reactions, Simmons-Smith cycloadditions

Analytical Skills - Level 4

write electron-pushing mechanisms for organometallic addition or coupling reactions

categorize transition metal complex stability based on the 18-electron rule

Synthesis Skills - Level 5 & higher

use retrosynthetic analysis to plan a synthetic sequence of reactions

use organometallic carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions to create an extended carbon framework