Organic Chemistry II

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chem 335 - Winter 2006

Pre-Quiz 15

(must be done in WebCT before Wed., Feb. 15, 8:30 am)

1. In a mass spectrum, the parent molecular ion of cyclohexanol would appear at m/z =

a. 83  
b. 98  
c. 99  
* d. 100  
e. 101  
f. 102  
g. 103

2. Lithium aluminum hydride plus cyclobutanone would give

a. no reaction  
b. cyclobutene  
c. cyclobutanecarboxylic acid  
d. cyclobutane  
* e. cyclobutanol

3. Addition of ethylmagnesium bromide to ethylene oxide would give

a. no reaction  
b. ethanol  
c. 1-propanol  
d. 2-propanol  
* e. 1-butanol  
f. 2-butanol  
g. isobutyl alcohol  
h. tert-butyl acohol

4. The Sharpless hydroxylation of an alkene gives

a. a 1° alcohol  
b. a 2° alcohol  
c. a 3° alcohol  
* d. a vicinal diol  
e. a geminal diol

5. In neutral aqueous solution, a typical thiol will exist as

* a. a neutral molecule  
b. a cation  
c. an anion