Organic Chemistry II

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chem 335 - Winter 2004

Chapter 16 Skills

Ethers, Epoxides, Sulfides

Knowledge - Level 1


ether, thioether, sulfide, disulfide, sulfoxide, sulfone
epoxide, oxirane
alkoxy, alkylthio groups
crown ether

Concepts - Level 2

recognize the differences in reactivity between ethers and sulfides

Applications - Level 3

identify reaction products from the various reactions that involve ethers as reactants or products

select appropriate reactants for a Williamson synthesis

Analytical Skills - Level 4

write an appropriate mechanism for the various reactions that involve ethers as reactants or products

in particular, write epoxide ring-opening mechanisms using acid ctaalysis or direct nucleophilic attack

Synthetic Skills - Level 5

devise an appropriate synthetic sequence to create a target compound