1. Relative to red light, blue light has
a) a higher wavelength and higher frequency
b) a higher wavelength and lower frequency
c) a lower wavelength and higher frequency
d) a lower wavelength and lower frequency
e) you can't predict
2. The Beer-Lambert law is used to relate the amount of light absorption to
a) concentration
b) path length
c) molar absorptivity
d) all of the above
e) none of the above
3. The infrared spectrum of an alkene could be distinguished from that of an alcohol by
a) the C=C stretch
b) the O-H stretch
c) the C-H stretch
d) the C-O stretch
e) all of the above
f) some but not all of the above
4. An infrared absorption at about 1700 cm-1 is most likely to be an
a) alcohol
b) amine
c) aldehyde
d) alkene
e) alkyne
5. Which alkene below would NOT be expected to show a C=C stretch?
a) cyclopentene
b) 1-pentene
c) 2-pentene
d) 1,2-pentadiene
e) 1,3-pentadiene