Chem 335 - Winter 2000
Organic Chemistry II

Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 10 Skills

Knowledge - Level 1

know the terminology:

alkynes, acetylenes, acetylides, allenes
geminal, vicinal
enols, tautomers
retrosynthetic strategy

know the nomenclature rules for alkynes, enynes, and polyenes / polyynes

Concepts - Level 2

describe the structure of alkynes and allenes, especially their pi systems

describe the underlying reasons for the acidity of alkynes

Applications - Level 3

predict acid-base reactions involving alkynes

predict reaction products from alkynes plus various reagents

predict reaction conditions for various alkyne reactions

Analytical Skills - Level 4

describe appropriate reaction mechanisms for alkyne additions or other reactions

Synthetic Skills - Level 5

apply retrosynthetic strategy to devise appropriate pathways to a target molecule