Course Ref. No. 80236
6/22-7/13, 8:00 - 10:20 am daily
Cramer Hall, Room 53
Professor Carl C. Wamser
Office: SB1-327A (open 10:30 - noon daily)
Textbook (required): "Organic Chemistry," 2nd edition, by K.P.C. Vollhardt and N. E. Schore, including the accompanying Study Guide by Schore. A molecular model kit is available in the PSU Bookstore and is strongly recommended. We will cover Chapters 1 - 9 from the textbook, according to the attached schedule.
Library Reserve: Several useful books have been placed on library reserve under "Dr. Wamser, Chem 334". A complete list of these is on the class home page
Home Page: This class has a home page at . I will put lecture notes, homework, quiz and exam answer keys, sample exams, general messages, and other useful information on the home pages, which will be updated daily. A complete set of web pages from a different organic class is at .
E-Mail Discussion List: This class will have a list server which will distribute e-mail messages to all those who sign up. Use this like open office hours with me or to communicate with class members. I typically respond to e-mail within a day. See the web pages for details on signing up.
Computer Access: There are a number of locations on campus with computers for student use. The Learning Lab in Neuberger Hall Room 96 has several programs designed to help learn organic reactions or organic nomenclature (look for the computers marked "Chemistry Software"). The class home page lists the available programs and describes their general content.
Homework assignments: Homework assignments for each chapter will include problems from the text, for which complete solutions and assistance are provided in the Study Guide. Although it will not be possible to collect or grade the homework, these assignments are extremely important, since they provide the best way to determine how well-prepared you are for exams and quizzes; working problems is the best way to learn organic chemistry.
Class Participation: The best way to get as much as possible from our limited time in class together is to prepare yourself well for each class period and be willing to participate in the in-class exercises and practice on problem-solving.
Pre-quizzes: At the beginning of each class (8:00 8:10 am), there will be a simple pre-quiz, to check that you have read the material to be covered in class that day. Each pre-quiz is worth 5 points; the lowest score of the nine pre-quizzes will be dropped.
Quizzes: For each chapter, there will be a brief quiz at the end of a class period (see the schedule). Each quiz is worth 10 points; the lowest score of the nine quizzes will be dropped.
Exams: There will be three midterm exams, worth 100 points each, and a final exam, worth 200 points, according to the schedule indicated. Missing an exam will require a written medical excuse, in which case an appropriate fraction of the final exam will be substituted for the missed exam. There will be no make-up exams, quizzes, or pre-quizzes.
Extra Credit (E-Mail Molecules): If you specifically request by e-mail to me, I will send you instructions on obtaining extra credit. The specific assignments will be to look up information on various interesting molecules and e-mail the results back to me. Each correct response will be worth 5 points, and a maximum of 3 molecules may be done, with no more than one per week accepted (weeks end on Fridays at 5:00 pm). More information is on the web pages.
Grading: The final course grade will be determined by total points accumulated. The maximum is 620, based on the sum of points outlined above. The borderline between A and B grades will occur at about 80%; B and C about 65%; C and D about 50%; and passing will require over 40%.
Miscellaneous: University policy will be strictly followed with respect to course withdrawal, academic honesty, and related subjects. Please ask the instructor or consult the latest PSU Bulletin if you have any questions.
Tentative Schedule
Date |
(Class Preparation) Pre-Quiz (or Exam) |
Lecture Coverage |
Quiz |
M, 6/22 | Intro & Chapter 1 | ||
T, 6/23 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 2.1-2.4) | Chapter 2 | |
W, 6/24 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 2.5-3.4) | Chapters 2,3 | Quiz, Chap 1 |
R, 6/25 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 3.5-3.10) | Chapter 3 | Quiz, Chap 2 |
F, 6/26 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 4.1-4.4) | Chapter 4 | Quiz, Chap 3 |
M, 6/29 | EXAM 1 (Chaps 1-3) | Chapters 4, 5 | |
T, 6/30 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 5.1-5.8) | Chapter 5 | Quiz, Chap 4 |
W, 7/1 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 6.1-6.9) | Chapter 6 | Quiz, Chap 5 |
R, 7/2 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 7.1-7.9) | Chapter 7 | Quiz, Chap 6 |
F, 7/3 | Holiday | ||
M, 7/6 | EXAM 2 (Chaps 4-6) | Chapters 7, 8 | |
T, 7/7 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 8.1-8.6) | Chapter 8 | Quiz, Chap 7 |
W, 7/8 | Pre-Quiz (Chap 8.7-9.3) | Chapters 8, 9 | Quiz, Chap 8 |
R, 7/9 | No pre-quiz | Chapter 9 | Quiz, Chap 9 |
F, 7/10 | EXAM 3 (Chaps 7-9) | Review | |
M, 7/13 | FINAL EXAM |
EXAM 1: Chapters 1 - 3 / / Monday, June 29, 8:00 - 9:00 am
EXAM 2: Chapters 4 - 6 / / Monday, July 6, 8:00 - 9:00 am
EXAM 3: Chapters 7 - 9 / / Friday, July 10, 8:00 - 9:00 am
FINAL EXAM: Chapters 1 - 9 / / Monday, July 13, 8:00 - 10:20 am
T 7/14 Chemistry 335 begins