Located in the Computer Learning Lab (Neuberger Hall, Room 96)
Look for the computers with the signs that say "Chemistry Software"
Organic Reaction Mechanisms (ORM)
visualizations of numerous different types of reactions,
including reaction energy profiles
Organic Nomenclature
practice problems on naming organic compounds
(program located in the JCE, vol. 6C1, folder)
Spectroscopy Determining the Structure of Organic Molecules (Chapters 10, 11, 14)
IR Tutor
an excellent introduction to light, absorption properties, and spectra
includes numerous examples of infrared spectra with explanations
Spectra Deck
complete sets of spectra for numerous representative compounds
each compound has an IR, H-NMR, C-NMR, MS, plus additional data
Spectrum Simulator
see the H-NMR spectrum as you create a molecular structure
(program located in the JCE, vol. IIC, folder)
Chemistry programs for purchase - some are available in the PSU Bookstore
Organic Reaction Mechanisms (ORM) - ( http://www.falconsoftware.com
(see above)
ChemTV ( http://www.jbpub.com
animations of reactions and 3D viewing of structures
Organic Chemistry - ( http://www.falconsoftware.com
drills and tutorials over various topics
Chemistry programs free on the web:
ChemWeb - ( http://www.softshell.com )
any relevant new information will be posted on these pages