Chem 334 - Fall 1998 - Organic Chemistry I
Portland State University - Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 5 Quiz

1. (2 points each) Give a complete IUPAC name for each compound below, including designation of stereochemistry if it is specifically shown.


or cis- instead of (E)-



2. (2 points each) Identify the isoprene units within the compounds below. Clearly encircle the carbons of each isoprene unit and indicate the "head" and "tail" ends of each unit.



3. (2 points) What is the molecular formula for caryophyllene (shown above) ?

C15 H24

Indicate locations in caryophyllene where there are cis / trans isomers possible.

The double bond in the ring could be cis or trans (actually trans).

The juncture between the two rings could be cis or trans (actually trans).