Organic Chemistry I |
Pre-Quiz 6 |
Professor Carl C. Wamser |
You must log on to WebCT to submit your answers.
Your answers must be submitted before 8:30 am, Mon., Oct. 29
1. According to Markovnikov's Rule, addition of HCl to 1-butene should give
a. butyl chloride
b. isobutyl chloride
* c. sec-butyl chloride
d. tert-butyl chloride
2. In electrophilic addition to an alkene, the electrophile generally adds to
a. the more substituted carbon of the double bond
* b. the less substituted carbon of the double bond
3. Which of the following reactions represents the best example of a syn addition?
* a. hydrogenation
b. hydration
c. HBr addition (without peroxides)
d. HBr addition (with peroxides)
e. bromination
4. In the free radical polymerization of propylene, the intermediates are
a. primary radicals
* b. secondary radicals
c. tertiary radicals
d. secondary carbocations
e. tertiary carbocations
5. A synthetic sequence of reactions that started with cyclopentane and carried out photochlorination, then E2 elimination, and finally acid-catalyzed hydration would give as the final product
a. cyclopentene
b. cyclopentane
c. cyclopentyl chloride
* d. cyclopentyl alcohol
e. 2-chlorocyclopentanol