J. J. P. Veerman

Professor of Mathematics

Professor and Director of Complex Systems

Affiliate Professor of Physics

Portland State University 

1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, USA

FMH, rm 464B, tel: 503-725-8187

SMSU, rm M310G, tel: 503-725-4961

email:  veerman@pdx.edu

                                                                 Website: http://web.pdx.edu/~veerman/



Newspaper (El Pais, Spain) articles August 28, 1988 and March 19, 1989.

Papers starting 1985

Papers starting 1995

Papers starting 2005

Papers starting 2015

Papers starting 2020

Research seminar series at Portland State University (2005, 2006, 2010, 2011)

Research seminar series at Rockefeller University (1996, 1997, 2008, 2009)

A language page.

See also Google Scholar under JJP Veerman



My short bio can be found here and a description of some of my research can be found here.

I am always looking for students, and in particular PhD students, interested and willing to
participate in research projects in (or related to) the areas described here. On occasion,
I will even embark on projects that are completely new to me. In order to work with me,
you may apply to either the Math Dept or the Complex Systems Program Area in the
School of Earth, Environment, and Society at PSU.

Interested students can consult the links given in this website to my papers, lecture
notes, and course information. If after that you are still interested to do research with
me, please, get in touch with me (through my email given above).

Beside mathematics and physics, I am very interested to interested in strongly
interdisciplinary projects.


I have designed two new courses that I am very
excited to teach. Please, ask me about this material.

I wrote a set of notes covering an introduction to several areas of number theory.
Here is the flyer for the full year course. The course is designed to emphasize connections
with other areas of mathematics such as analysis, algebra and complex analysis, as well
as to make some classical results accessible to a wider audience of non-specialists.
With that, I aim for a wholly new approach in the teaching of graduate courses in Number
Theory. The book "Numbers from All Angles" is based on this new approach and is a
thoroughly  corrected, rewritten, and expanded version of the earlier notes. It will be
published by Springer Nature.

In the summer of 2019, I participated in a summer school in Italy where I gave a mini-course
on the theory of directed graphs. 
This resulted in the design of the 1 or 2 trimester course
"Directed Networks". Here is the flyer for the course. Some of the material has been worked
into slides: see
part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.

All this material is "work in progress"; expect errors and other shortcomings.
I appreciate if you report errors and welcome constructive criticism.
You can find my email at the top of this page.



I am the Director of the Complex Systems unit at PSU. My intent is to promote and help strongly
interdisciplinary practices in research and teaching. If you are interested in Complex Systems
(COSYS) as faculty, instructor, or student, or any other way, please, feel free to  contact me at the
above email.



Statements for all classes:

Here are links to DRC, Title IX, and Zoom-FERPA statements. All these statements are valid
for all courses/classes. Here is a series of slides outlining student resources in the DRC and
more extensive listing can be found here.
Please learn about and use the many campus resources available to you via PSU's I Am A
Student website: https://www.pdx.edu/student. These resources are made possible by your
tuition and fees.

Homework and Exam Statements:

IMPORTANT 1: All answers on home works and exams must be justified,  even if  that is not evident from
                              the phrasing of the question. Answers without justification will receive partial credit at best.
IMPORTANT 2: Before turning in exams or HW's, write your first plus last name in the top right corner
                              of each sheet you turn in (even if you staple them together)!
IMPORTANT 3: While I actively encourage collaboration among students and may assign
                              take home exams on which you are allowed to collaborate:
                                    you must write your own exam yourself in your own words !!!
                              Copying, or even using something else as a template for your answers, is plagiarism
                              and will receive no credit whatsoever.
IMPORTANT 4: Homeworks are due on the day for which they are assigned,
                             at the beginning of class, and on paper.
                             Homeworks more than 10 minutes late will not be accepted, unless for valid reason
                             (medical must be accompanied by doctor's attest).

WINTER 2025:    SYSC 410-510: Complex Systems:

You can find the syllabus here.
NETLOGO programming guide:



           Mon Jan 13: Study Chap 1&2. Work in groups to do as many of the explorations as you can.
           Wed Jan 22: Read and study Chaps 1,2,3. Turn in reflections + some explorations from Chap 3.
                                Start reading chap 4.
           Mon Jan 27: Study Chap4 and Chap5.
           Mon Feb 03: Hand in two problems from chap 5.
           Mon Feb 10:
Carefully study chap 6. Start working the problems (due on Wedn!!).
              Formulate questions about
the models in this chapter that you think are interesting.
           Mon Feb 17: Read chap7 plus Turchin paper plus Feynman paper.
           Mon Feb 24: Hand in problems chap 7. Include quantitative work, either mathematical
               or numerical using the programs.
Other General Announcements for Students:


In most of my classes you will be either strongly encouraged, or even obliged
(graduate students) to turn in your HW in *.pdf format based on LATEX.
Here is a website where LATEX is explained: 


Student Research Projects:

I have many research projects, Most are intended for 501 theses or PhD level projects.
If you are interested in doing a research project in:
Dynamical Systems, Social and Economic Networks, Coherent Motion of Flocks, Topology/Geometry,
Fractal Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Networks and Graph Theory,
or others, please talk to me.