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 University Studies


 Social Responsibility

 Quantitative Reasoning

 Critical Reading



 Oral Communication

 Visual Communication

 Student Basics

 Technology Competencies



 Portland State University










Commoners walk down the streets with caution. With every step their vision is blurred. This is a world in which the space between two objects is filled with visible red and yellow air molecules and atoms. The molecules and atoms are tangible, but cannot be picked up and thrown away. They are continuously in motion, forever changing location, never to disappear or be stopped.
   Some people have let this affect slow their world down. These people never truly get used to the appearance of the molecules and atoms. They walk and move with trepidation of what they cannot see before them. The people have adapted to this and their world's time moves more slowly than the others. Each person is constantly waiting for the unknown in front of them to be unveiled. Others embrace the one thing that is constant, change. They take the uncertainty of who and what is in front of them to stop and figure out if the path in front of them is clear.
   This has created a world in which beauty has no bounds, and is measured by what is on the inside, no the outside. One's image of what is in front of them is distorted. These people are forced to talk to the other person and get to know them before making a superficial judgment. Intimacy is what makes this world function in peace.
   With all love comes hurt. One cannot experience the good without living the bad as well. There are only personal relationships between everyone and people get hurt. Some are more affected by the disappointment and hurt the world gives them. They shut out the world, and their hearts turn cold and numb. When someone is in front of them they ignore them, and keep moving along to avoid forming a relationship where they may become vulnerable.
   In the end there are those who know that with great pain comes great joy, and with great joy comes great pain. They accept this and learn how to cope with it, as their friendships and relationships grow. The other people are worn out, tired and sick of always coping. They have given up on every finding happiness.

© Copyright 2000 Megan Robles

All rights reserved. For permission to reproduce please contact Jack C. Straton, University Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR, 97210-0751, straton@pdx.edu.
