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 University Studies


 Social Responsibility

 Quantitative Reasoning

 Critical Reading



 Oral Communication

 Visual Communication

 Student Basics

 Technology Competencies



 Portland State University










In this world, the locations of buildings, parks, schools, and libraries, changes everyday. One cannot wake up in the morning and know how to get to school. The school has changed locations from the day before, because every night at exactly midnight the buildings move and acquire new addresses for the day. Never is a building situated in a spot for more than one day at a time and everything moves within its own town. Never will a building be moved from one city to the next.
   Dawn approaches, and a man wakes with a start to the sound of his newspaper hitting his front door and falling onto the porch. As he rises and looks out the window, to greet the morning sun and the drops of dew on the green grass, he sees a new view out the window. The sun is beautiful rising over the blue water crashing against the cool wet sand, in white foamy waves.
   Opening the front door the man reaches for his daily newspaper, the new world map of the day, and his ever-changing directions on how to find the location of the building where he work. While breakfast cooks he calls his wife, who is overseas working and staying at a nearby hotel.
   "Have you received your directions yet?" asks the man.
   "Of course," replies the wife, "I also received a map on how to get home today, once I leave the airplane."
   Just as the man had his map delivered to him, others also have their directions and maps delivered to them, wherever they might be in the world, or wherever they might be living. A traveler will obtain his directions of the day, the same way a mother at home trying to take her children to school will receive the directions. Even a homeless man will acquire directions on how to find his next resting spot.
   The sun begins to rise on a new day and the newspapers and directions are being delivered. A couple begins their day reading their new directions on how to reach their favorite café in order to have their morning cup of coffee.

© Copyright 2000 Jenny Pierce

All rights reserved. For permission to reproduce please contact Jack C. Straton, University Studies, Portland State University, Portland, OR, 97210-0751, straton@pdx.edu.
