Welcome to General Chemistry
Chem 221 and 222
Section 1
Dr. Gwen Shusterman
221: Fall CH
222: Winter CH
227/228/229: Lab CH
284,285,286: Workshop

Course materials for CH 221 and CH 222 are available on the class D2L site. If
you are registered in the class you automatically are listed on the
course site, but you must have a PSU computer account to log on to the
course D2L site. If you do not have a computer account you may apply
for one at http://www.account.pdx.edu.
Chem 221
General information regarding the
course may be found from the syllabus. The links below are from 2009, updates are infrequent. (The link below gives you a PDF
file, you need Acrobat reader to view and download this file.) You may
obtain it free from: Adobe.
CH 221 Syllabus
To simply view the syllabus you may use this link:
CH 221 Syllabus
To Take the Electron Density tutorial use this link:
Tutorial on Electron Density Models
The tutorial
on electron density models is not intended for general chemistry
students to view until it is assigned during the fall quarter.
If you are
just a visitor, feel free to visit the tutorial and submit comments you
may have directly to me. email: shustermang@pdx.edu.
Chem 222
General information regarding the course may be found from the
syllabus. (The link below gives you a PDF file, you need Acrobat reader
to view and download this file.) You may obtain it free from: Adobe.
CH 222 Syllabus
To simply view the syllabus you may use this link:
CH 222 Syllabus
Gen Chem
For CH 227 lab students: click on the following link
to access the Electron
Density Lab in a pdf format. The electronic version of this lab
will be on the computers in the lab rooms. It is expected that you will
work in pairs to complete the instructions in the lab.
CH 284,285,286: Workshop for Gen Chem
Students registered for either section may enroll in Chemistry
Workshops (CH 284,285,286). For more information on the Chemistry
Workshops see the Workshop
Web page.