Why you sometimes won't get A values that result in acute triangles

Below, length C and B have already been selected.  C is the longest length and B is the radius of the circle.
You can rotate the line B around the circleand it will show you the length of A, the third length.
The major rule that is to be followed here is that C>B>A.  This means that you can only rotate B as long as A is still less than B.
Click on the vertex of the triangle that intersects with the circle.  How far can you rotate it and still have A be shorter than B?
Through what arc length will you get acute triangles?  Is A larger or smaller for acute triangles?

Now click on the point that intersects the base of the triangle.  This will allow you to change the length of B.  Let the length
of B get very close to half of C.  Now rotate the upper vertex keeping your on the length of A and the angle of the vertex.  If you picked B small enough you will never get an angle less than 90 degrees when A is less than B.


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