MTH 112 Sec 003
CRN 61799
Time: TR 12:00-1:35

Instructor: Sarah Enoch (Whitcomb)
     Use Enoch in the math department and Whitcomb with general administration.
Office: NH 356
Phone #: 503-725-3656
Office Hours: TR 1:45-2:45 (or right after class)
Box:  I have a box located in the math office (just off the math mezzanine). 
If you have any homework or a message that needs to be turned in,
 please leave it with one of the secretaries and she will put it in my box.

    Text book:  Precalculus: Enhanced with graphing Utilities 3rd ed.  Sullivan and Sullivan.  Prentice Hall: New Jersey.  2003

    Course content:  We will be covering chapters 5, 6, 7 and part of 8 of your text book.  Material covered will consist of angles, trigonometric functions, and trigonometric identities.  We will also briefly cover polar coordinates.

    Grading:  Weekly homework assignments will be given, typically due every Tuesday with some variation during midterms.  Typically, at the end of the term I will throw out your worst score.  Two midterms and a final will be given.  The final is on Thursday at 10:15 during finals week.  The final will be partially cumulative, but I will tell you what I expect you to know.  The homework and the three tests will each be worth 25% of your grade. 

    Math Excel:  Math Excel is a supplementary course meant to complement this class.  The class meets twice a week for one hour and spends the whole class time working in groups with other math students.  This class is meant to deepen your understanding of the material covered in this course.  The material in this course can sometimes feel complex and overwhelming, so I highly recommend taking this course just to help you feel more confident in the material.  The class is worth 1 credit and there are no homeworks or tests.

    Tutor Table:  If you ever need any help with your homework, the tutor table is a free service offered through the math department.  This is located at the rectangular tables in the math mezzanine (third floor Neuberger Hall).  There is a schedule posted on the chalkboard.  I will be there for Monday and Wednesday from 5:30 - 7:00.
    Some dates you will want to know:  Last day to add a class is Friday April 11.  Last day to drop (without W) is Friday April 25.  Last day to change grading option is Friday May 2.  Last day to drop with a W is Friday May 23.  The day of your final is Thursday, June 12 at 10:15.

    Cheating:  Cheating is not tolerated at Portland State University.  If I find that you have cheated on a test or homework assignment you will receive a zero for your work.  If I catch you cheating again, you will automatically fail the course.

    Handicap Services:  If you have any sort of handicap that will impede your learning or performance in the course, please contact me and the handicap services at and we will work together to accommodate your needs.

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