Midterm 2 Review

(midterm scheduled for Thursday, February 26th)

I will ask you to:


-Use the definition of a derivative to find the derivative of a quadratic (p. 168 #20).


-Sketch a graph of f ‘(x) given a graph of f(x) (p. 183 #32-34).


 -Use the derivative to find the equation of a line tangent to a function and then graph the function and the tangent line on the same graph (p. 197 #31-34).


-Find derivatives using rules of differentiation (see your guide to derivatives and you will find practice problems throughout chapter 3).  This will include at least

        *one case where you have to use two rules of differentiation to find the derivative (p. 259 #1-30)

        *one case where you have to find the second derivative as well (p. 197 #39, 40).

        *one case where you have to find (for example) the 50th derivative of a trigonometric function (p. 224 #33, 34).


-Find the derivative of an equation using implicit differentiation (p. 243 #3-12)


-Sketch a graph of f ‘(x) given a graph of f(x) (p. 183 #32-34).


-Find where a given function f(x) is increasing and decreasing, concave up and concave down, and has horizontal tangents as in maxima, minima, and otherwise (p. 197 #43-47, p.224#27,28)

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