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Calculus I  Course Syllabus

MTH 251         Section 002      CRN 41900

Winter ’04        TR 10:00- 11:50                      SH 225


Instructor: Sarah Enoch

Office: NH M308

Office Hours: W 3:15-4:15pm, R 5:15-6:15pm (or by appointment) soon to be changed

Email:               class website:

Department Phone: 503-725-3621 (the secretaries can leave a message in my box)


Text:  Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 2nd edition by James Stewart, 2001.

Calculators: A graphing calculator is required for this course.  I will be using a TI-83, but you may choose to use a TI-82 or higher.  I will not be able to help you with anything higher than a TI-83, so make sure you have your manual.

Computer:  This course will be using computer software.  No previous knowledge of computers is needed for the class. The software and computer equipment in NH 465 is available for your use during the term.  The computer room will be open several hours during the day, evening, and weekends for your use.  Consult the posted hours.


Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this course are MTH 111 and 112, or equivalent precalculus courses which should have included functions and trigonometry.  It is very important that you have satisfactorily satisfied the prerequisites for this course.  If you have not satisfied these prerequisites, or you did but you do not feel strong in the subject matter, I strongly advise you to consider enrolling in either MTH 111 or 112 this term. 


Grading: Your grades will be based upon weekly homework, lab activities, two midterms, and a cumulative final.

The grade distribution will be as follows:

Homework                   20%

Labs                             10%

Midterms                      20% each

Final                             30%

Attendance: It is important that you come to class every day! If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed.  Please get phone numbers and email addresses from some of your classmates so that you can ask them.  If you can’t make it to a midterm or a final, let me know in advance and we can make arrangements for you to take it at a different time.  If you miss a test because of an emergency, I will let you make it up if you provide me with a note from a doctor or employer.


Homework: I will be requesting only a small subset of your homework to be turned in.  Because I am asking for only a few homework problems, I expect them to be well written.  This means clearly stating what the problem is asking and how you are solving it; correctly label your solutions; and finally, start every problem on a new line- I don’t want to have to search for your answers.  It is your responsibility to do the other homework problems; consider them your study guide.


Labs:  Periodically during the term we will go to the computer lab in NH 465.  You will complete a worksheet with a partner, turning in one solution sheet for the two of you.  I will let you know in advance when we are going to the lab.


Cheating: Cheating is not tolerated at this university.  If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero on that assignment or test.  If this occurs a second time you will automatically fail the course.

