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Calculus I  Course Syllabus
MTH 251    Section 001    CRN 11941
Fall ’03    TR 8:00-9 :50        PCAT 28

Instructor: Sarah Enoch
Office: NH M308
Office Hours: M 3:00-4:00, TR 10:00-11:00 (or by appointment)
Email:        class website:
Department Phone: 503-725-3621 (the secretaries can leave a message in my box)

Text:  Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 2nd edition by James Stewart, 2001.
Calculutors: A graphing calculator is required for this course.  I will be using a TI-83, but you may choose to use a TI-82 of higher.  I will not be able to help you with anything higher than a TI-85, so make sure you have your manual.
Computer:  This course will be using computer software.  No previous knowledge of computers is needed for the class. The software and computer equipment in NH 465 is available for your use during the term.  The computer room will be open several hours during the day, evening, and weekends for your use.  Consult the posted hours.

Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this course are MTH 111 and 112, or equivalent precalculus courses which should have included functions and trigonometry.  It is very important that you have satisfactorily satisfied the prerequisites for this course.  If you have not satisfied these prerequisites, or you did but you do not feel strong in the subject matter, I strongly advise you to consider enrolling in either MTH 111 or 112 this term. 

Grading: Your grades will be based upon weekly homework, four lab activities, three midterms, and a final.  Your final will take place on Thursday, December 11 at 8:00-9:50.
The grade distribution will be as follows:
Homework        15%
Labs            10%
Midterms        45%
Final            30%
Attendance: It is mandatory that you come to class every day!  The first two times that you miss class you will lose half a percentage point from your grade each time.  After that, every time you miss class you will lose a whole percentage point.  Please make it a point to come to class every day.

Homework: Each week you will have a homework assignment to complete.  I will select one or two problems from each section to grade and give feedback on.  At the end of the term, your worst grade will be thrown out.

Labs:  Four times during the term we will go to the computer lab in NH 465.  You will complete a worksheet with a partner, turning in one solution sheet for the two of you.

Midterms and finals: Each midterm will cover one chapter.  You will have an hour to take the test.  The final will be cumulative.
•    Math tutors are available in the Atrium of the 3rd floor of Neuberger Hall free of charge on a drop-in basis.  Consult the time schedule posted at the Math Dept office.  Tutoring will not begin until the second week of the quarter.
•    Work with someone else in the class. Form study groups.
•    Take Math Excel 251 (MTH 299).  This course is worth one credit and is designed to supplement this course.  You will be meeting once a week for two hours to work on problems in groups.  There is no homework or tests.  The class meets Tuesdays from 2:00 to 3:50; the CRN is 11961.
•    Stop by and see me during my office hours.
•    If you have a learning disability which interferes with you taking the course, please contact the PSU Disability Services (503-725-4150).  They will determine how the course is to be adjusted for your individual needs.