Welcome to the Scrapbook Collection!

Scrapbook Collection Finding Aid


Scope and Content

The scope and content of the scrapbooks are very narrow. The scope is from 1910’s to the 1970’s. The majority of the scrapbooks concentration deals with the 1940’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. Most of the scrapbooks are composed of newspaper clippings, magazine clippings and very few photos.

There is little high concentration of the clippings dealing with certain aspects of the Red Cross. One of the major collections of clippings deal with blood. There are subsections: blood banks, bloodmobile, and the lack of blood. Most of these clippings have an urgent claim that blood has to be donated for people; otherwise people will not have enough blood for transfusions. The bloodmobile was an idea that the Red Cross started in the early 1960’s.

Another high concentration of clippings dealt with the events that the Red Cross held. Tons of clippings dealt with the 100 year anniversary internationally and the 50 year anniversary in Portland. Other clippings were about the Red Cross throughout the 1960's. More clippings were pertaining to the individual people who helped fund or lead an event.

The next major clipping collection concern the training of nurses and the general public. There was a very big collection of the training of nurses and the need for nurses during the war. There was a big selection of clippings dealing with the training of regular people either through the television or home tapes or through classes that the Red Cross held. There was a big selection of clippings dealing with water safety and first aid in the water.

There were a few articles that dealt with the help of foreign aid. Some clippings were during WWII when people in Oregon helped out in the United Kingdom by making them clothes and first aid kits. There were also more clippings on helping the Filipinos during the war. There was a scrapbook that had the international services as the main focus. This scrapbook had clippings of how people around the world could learn first aid.

There was very little about the 1920’s, 1930’s and the early 1950’s. There has also been very little about African Americans. Over all, there is a great deal of clippings in the 1940’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. There is a great deal of clippings regarding the blood section of the Red Cross. Another big section of clippings deal with the events that the Red Cross held. Finally there was a big collection of the training of nurses and regular civilians.
