Printed Material


Box 24



Photo of Announcement, “Appeal to the American People” (right after the Geneva conventional were approved), March 23, 1882, from Clara Barton, et al.

            [sticky # 1213]

Photo of Editorial, to U. S. Newspapers, March 27, 1882, from Clara Barton and ARC, "For the Relief of Suffering by War, Pestilence, Famine, Fire, 
               and Other National Calamities" [sticky # 1214]
Paper, On Sommer-Richardson Factory Red Cross Candies and Crackers Stationary Reference letter stating Emil Reichenbach worked for them for 1.5 Years, 
               Signed by foreman, April 10, 1897
Photo of Announcement, Appeal for the Homeless of Galveston, October 7, by Clara Barton [sticky 1211]
Stamp/Seal, American Red Cross, 1909, Holiday


Certificates, 1914-1919, from The British Red Cross Society


            To Miss B. Owen for “Home Nursing,” October 19, 1914 [sticky # 1503]

            To Bessie Owen for “First Aid,” March 4, 1915 [sticky # 1504]

            To Miss Elizabeth Owen for “One Year’s War Service,” September 4, 1917 [sticky 1505]

            To Miss Elizabeth Owen for “One Year’s War Service,” (different serial # than previous entry) September 4, 1917 [sticky 1501]

            To Miss Bessie Owen being elected Associate of the British Red Cross Society, May 31, 1919 [sticky # 1502]


Certificate, to Mable H. Lawrence for “First Aid” from The American Red Cross (donated by grand nephew Bill Lawrence with photo of Mable)


Certificate, to Portland Chapter American Red Cross, August 1, 1918, from the Commission for Relief in Belgium (with photocopy)


Flyer Facsimile, “The Greatest Mother in the World,” 1919, from WWI Volunteer Handbook on volunteer organizations (donated by Ken E. Beckerich)  


Pamphlet, “The American Red Cross Past, Present and Future,” 1919 [sticky # 2097]


Photocopied cartoon. Inspired by Red Cross Disaster Service. Appeared in Columbus, Ohio Dispatch. Oct. 6, 1921. [Explanatory note included, sticky note 1793].


Pamphlet. “Annual Report of {Portland Chapter} American Red Cross for the Year Ending June 30, 1930”. June 30, 1930.


Pamphlet. “War Service, In Time of War, In Peace Time”. The American National Red Cross. May, 1931. [1008 red sticker]


Photocopy of a cartoon. Fred O. Seibel. [Note on subject on back]. Red Cross poster in cartoon. . Oct. 23, 1931. [1421 red sticker]


Pamphlet. “Hurricane disasters of August and September, 1933”. Official Report of the American Red Cross. May, 1934.  [National ARC, 1006 red sticker]


Pamphlet in small manila envelope. ‘Annual National convention Program’. The ANRC. San Francisco, Cal. May 2-5, 1938. Sent from the Oregon Trail

            Chapter to Susan Hicks.


Box 25



Photo of Flyer, Red Cross Fund Raising Comic, 1940 [sticky 1820]


Envelope, From Mary D. Doering to Peggy Watters of OR Trail Chapter. Contains two sets of instructions for recruiting army standard sweaters, socks,

            mittens and gloves, August 1941


Pamphlet, “Canteen Corps,” December 1941, from Red Cross Volunteer Special Services


Pamphlet, “Staff Assistance Corps: Volunteer Special Services,” 1941, by ANRC


Brochure, NY Chapter Voluntary Blood Donor’s Enrollment Book, 1941, belonged to Miss Jane D. Eisler [sticky 1012]


Pamphlet, “Suggestions on Feeding in a Disaster,” 1942, by ANRC, 2 copies, 1 donated by Adella Ward, belonged to Mrs. Flock [sticky 1007]


Pamphlet, “Food and Nutrition,” 1942, ARC, donated by Adella Ward, belonged to Mrs. Flock


Charts, Swimming Skill Sheets, March 1942- September 1944, ARC


            Beginner, March 1942

            Intermediate, March 1942

            Swimmer, March 1942

            Advanced, March 1942

            “Functional Swimming and Water Safety Skill Sheet: Ages 17 Years and up,” September 1944


Photocopy of Letter, U.S. Secretary of War to Norman H. Davis, Chairman, ANRC, March 20, 1942, two copies


Flyers, Aquatic Instructional, March 1942 – February 1946, ANRC


            “Grappling Irons,” March 1942

            “Home-Made Rescue Buoys,” March 1944

            “Kick-Board for Part-Progressive Method of Teaching Swimming,” March 1944

            “Quick-Release Towing Bridle,” April 1944, E. Ross Allen

            “‘Aquascope:’ For Underwater Vision is Clear Water,” May 1944

            “Hollow Surfboard or Paddle-Board,” October 1944

            “Canoe Catamaran: For All Utility Purposes and Pagentry,” February 1945

            “Cruising Lanteen Rig for ‘Ojibway’ Model Canoe,” March 1945

            “Sailboat Nomenclature,” December 1945

            “Canoe Nomenclature and Details,” February 1946, 2 copies


Pamphlet, “Canteen Corps,” February 1943, from Red Cross Volunteer Special Services


Bulletins, “Prisoners of War Bulletin,” August 1943 – June 1945, ANRC


            Vol. 1, NO 3, August 1943, front cover only

            Vol. 1, NO 4, September 1943

            Vol. 1, NO 5, October 1943

            Vol. 1, NO 7, December 1943

            Vol. 2, NO 2, February 1944

            Vol. 3, NO 6, June 1945


Facsimile of Letter, from Kenneth Hills, 315 Air Transportation Squadron, to Miss Mary Van Hoomissen, ARC, Jan 24, 1944


                                    [Kenneth Hills was a First Lieutenant with the 315th Air Transportation Squadron in the 31st Air Transport Group, formally a part

                                    of the Royal Air Force.  Mary Van Hoomissen was a Red Cross worker in Portland who tried, apparently unsuccessfully, to locate

                                    the Mr. Hills’ lost luggage.]


Brochure, “This Is My Share: 1944 War Fund,” February 1944, ANRC


Letter, from Arden X. Pangborn, Manager of KGW radio station, to Edwin Rounds dated May 9, 1944


                                    [The Personality Hour groups had unanimously nominated Edwin Rounds from the Multnomah Co Chapter ARC as Personality of

                                    the Day.  As a memento the radio station included a signed copy of a script from a Personality Hour show.  Signatures include, but

                                    are not limited to, Glenn Shelly, Patsy Bauman, Andy Clausen, Marion Fouse, Abe Bercovitz and Master of Ceremonies Homer



Facsimile of Postcard, from Corporal “Mic” L., Dec 1, 1944, to Miss M., Multnomah Co. Chapter, ARC


                                    [There is text and holiday printing saying “Thanking you for all your kindness to me; and wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas

                                     and a Happy New Year – God bless you always, Cpl. “Mic” L….”  It is hard to read his last name, but it might be Leeney.]  


Photo of Document, Proclamation of Red Cross Month, January 19, 1945, by FDR


Letters, from U.S. Navy, to ARC, Portland, June 26 – August 15, 1945


            from A. Mc Mahan, June 26


                                    [A. Mc Mahan was the Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Bright (DE-747) and sent this letter care of Fleet Post Office, SF California. 

                                    It is a thank you letter on behalf of his crew for Dock Reception in Portland.  The condition of the letter is fragile and deteriorating]


            from Howard R. Prince, July 12


                                    [Commander Howard Prince was the commanding officer of the U.S.S. Porter (DD800) and sent this letter to the Field

                                    Representative of the American Red Cross in Portland.  It is a thank you letter on behalf of the crew for the pleasant welcome

                                    given by the Red Cross ladies in spite of the ship being four hours late.  The letter was sent c/o Fleet Post Office, SF, California.]


            from J. W. Chapman, Aug 15, 1945, 2 copies


                                    [J. W. Chapman Jr. was a Lieutenant and USNR, but acting as the Executive Officer under the Command of the Commanding

                                     Officer.  The letter was sent to the Field Director American Red Cross Portland, Oregon c/o Fleet Post Office, SF, California.

                                     It is a letter on behalf of the crew thanking the Lady Representatives of the Portland ARC for their welcome and food.  The letter

                                     was sent c/o Fleet Post Office, SF, California.]


Letter, from William Bowers, Chairman, Shrine Paper Drive, to Isabella Gauld, Red Cross Canteen Service, July 30, 1945


[William Bowers was a Department of Public Works Commissioner for the city of Portland.  It is a thank you letter to the Red Cross Canteen workers for helping with the Shrine paper drive for the Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children which raised about $15,000



Certificate, “Citation For Meritorious Service,” 1945, to Mrs. Jolene Wilson Lane



Letters, to Red Cross Canteen, Portland, August 10, 1945October 14, 1946


            From Helen, M. Cox, August 10, 1945, 2 copies


                                    [Miss Helen M. Cox was the assistant field director of the ARC Hospital Training Unit in San Francisco.  She is thanking the

                                    Canteen in Portland on behalf of the wounded soldiers who were transported across the country in Hospital Trains and assisted

                                    by Portlander Red Cross workers.]


            From H. Suerstedt, August 5, 1945


                                    [H. Suerstedt was a Lieutenant, USNR., Executive Officer of the United States Pacific Fleet Air Force Composite Squadron

                                    Twenty-One.  He wrote this letter on behalf of his squadron thanking the Ladies (it is addressed ‘Dear Ladies:’) for the friendly

                                    and generous attitude, sandwiches, drinks, etc.  The squadron was refueling at the Portland Army Air Field.  The letter was sent

                                     from the Fleet Post Office in SF.]        


            From Beatrice Greenwalt, August 26, 1946


                                    [Beatrice Greenwalt, R.N. was the superintendent at the Portland Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled Children and wrote this thank

                                    you letter to Mrs. Lucy Duncan at the Red Cross Canteen.  The Canteen had provided refreshments at a paper drive.]


            From L. E. Rinearson, Chairman, Portland Junior Red Cross, October 14, 1946


                                    [L.E. Rinearson was Chairman of the Portland Multnomah County Junior Red Cross and wrote this thank you letter on behalf of

                                     the teacher sponsors of the Junior Red Cross.  The letter is on Portland Public Schools letterhead and specifically written to Mrs.

                                    Lucy Duncan, Director of Canteeners, Portland Multnomah Chapter of Red Cross.  Rinearson was thanking Duncan for the food

                                    and use of the Canteen for a teacher meeting of Junior Red Cross sponsors.]


Various Photocopies Dealing with Jean Clark and the Holocaust [sticky 1657 & 2077]


                                    [This material is quite hectic and varied, but is rich with information.  It was photocopied in June of 1994 from the Holocaust

                                    Research Center, and is only moderately connected to the Red Cross.  The First three pages are the handwritten notes of the

photocopier relating to the different dates and epicenters of the letters herein photocopied.  The first letter appears to be from John Kerte’sz to Jean Clark, but the bulk are Jean Clark’s to her Parents in Salem Oregon.  The dates range from February 6 – May 22, 1945.  John Kerte’zs’ letter seems to be written from Budapest and in expectation of Jean’s arrival.  Jean writes from London, Wales, France and Germany.  Being that the letters are hand written and photocopied they are difficult to read.  Jean might have been a Red Cross worker seeing as how some of the letters are written on Red Stationary and some of the letters mention the Red Cross.  Also included are various articles and reports dealing with the Holocaust.  It seems likely that Jean witnessed them first hand.  One essay is entitled “Buchenwald Concentration Camp.”  Another is from Time Magazine dealing with the 120th Evacuation Hospital.  Another is entitled “Flushless, Plushness, Blushness: The Army Latrine” and does not seem to pertain to the Holocaust.  Another is entitled “120th Evac. Hospital Makes the Headlines!” and is written by Larry Rue.]   


Letter, from Edwin D. Rounds to A. W. Groth, Chairman of Board of Directors of Multnomah Co. Chapter, description of his activities as manager of chapter,

            Jan 21, 1946


                                    [Edwin Groth had been Multnomah Co Chapter Manager of the ARC for 2 years in the stead of Manager Mr. Berentson who was

                                    serving in the military during WWII but was then returning to his former post.  As manager Groth had reorganized the board of directors

                                    on a committee basis held the chapter’s most lucrative fundraiser to date.  He opened a district office in Vanport to accommodate a

 large transient problem and organized an Eastern Multnomah County branch in Gresham.  Finally, Mr. Groth established a nationally recognized, cutting-edge recruitment program and purchased a new HQ.]  


Letter, from ANRC Multnomah Co. Chapter to Edwin Rounds from Dr. Burt Brown Barber, congratulates Rounds on his success as Multnomah Co. Chapter manager, February 8, 1946.


[Burt Barker was the Secretary of the Multnomah Co Chapter Board of Directors.  Edwin Rounds was being rewarded in the form of a unanimously passed resolution which formally praised the Rounds’ record.]


Various Materials, Red Cross Canteen Closing Ceremonies, June 2, 1946


                                    Souvenir Brochure, “The Story of Red Cross Canteen and Traveler’s Aid – U.S.O. Lounge,”

                                    Invitation, to the Closing Ceremoniews

                                    Envelope, with picture and stamp, to Mrs. A. A. Osipovich


[The main portion of this folder is the Souvenir Brochure which was made available for the June 2, 1946 Closing Ceremonies of the Canteen and dedicated to the Volunteer Workers.  The Canteen began as a rest quarters for traveling soldiers at Union Depot under the wing of the Multnomah C Red Cross, the Traveler’s Aid Society and the United Service Organizations.  In June 1943 a new Canteen building was erected in the Rose Gardens.  In 1944 in one day a record 2,094 free meals were given out, while all of 1945 saw 558,978 meals delivered.]


Letter, from Mrs. Fred Mork, Portland Red Cross Chairman, to Charlotte A. Rogers, Field Director, Service in Veteran Hospitals, August 15, 1946


                                    [Mrs. Mork was the Chairman of the Volunteer Special Services and being thanked by a Field Director at the Veterans

Administration Hospital in Portland.  Apparently Motor Corps, Canteen Corps, College Units and First Aid groups from

the Red Cross had put together a party for the patient-guests at the hospital.]


Letter, from J. Brown to Mrs. Dawes (?), Aug 26, 1946


                                    [This is a handwritten letter on ARC stationary and difficult to read.  J. (first name unclear) Brown was a Hospital Train Worker. 

She thanked the Portlander for the generosity, cooperation, ice cream bars and coca cola given to her and the patients.]


Pamphlet, “Service to Veterans and Their Dependents,” September 1946, ANRC


Pamphlet, “Vanport City Flood: Preliminary Disaster Committee Report,” 1948, Portland-Multnomah Country Chapter ARC, 3 originals and

2 photocopies


                                    [The introduction, dated August 10, 1948, is written by E. A. Valentine,


Chairman Disaster Committee to Arnold W. Groth,


Portland Multnomah chapter chairman.  Valentine states that this report “does not include very much statistical data but is more in the nature of a running account of the activities of the Disaster Committee.”  The Report begins with an overall history beginning with a disaster conference held in Salem April 19-20, 1948 and concludes the day after the flood, May 31, 1948 when aid was arriving from around the country. Next the Report gives voice to the situation of each subcommittee within the Disaster Committee from the May 30th flood to the present.  These include the following committees: Medical Aid, Registration and Information, Food, Shelter and Clothing.  Following is a short Preliminary Report of the American Radio Relay League.  Finally there is a Monthly report from the Portland-Multnomah County Chapter Red Cross with specific contributions from Safety Service, Home Service, Junior Red Cross, Home Nursing, Disaster Nursing, Staff Aid Service, Production Service, Canteen Service, Arts and Skills Service, Motor Service, Nurses Aid Service, Public Information, Gray Ladies and Nutrition.]


Card, 1948, Certificate of Membership for Victoria Tallman, Contribution $1.00


Pamphlet, “Staff Aide Service: Volunteer Services,” 1948, ANRC


Pamphlet, “The Northwest Floods: Official Report of Relief Operations,” Feb 1949, ANRC, 2 copies


                                    [This piece chronicles the May and June Flooding of the Columbia River in 1948 which affected Montana, Idaho,

Washington and Oregon.  It contains twelve tables of financial and damage statistics, as well as six photographs.]  


Pamphlet, “By-laws of the Portland – Multnomah County Chapter,” Nov 21, 1949, ANRC


                                    [The piece indicates that it is an amendment.  It contains 20 Articles under the titles of Name, Purpose, Jurisdiction, Office,

                                    Membership, Officers, Board of Directors, Meeting of Chapter, Committees, Fiscal Year, Duties of Chairman, Duties of Vice

                                    Chairman, Duties of Secretary, Branches and Auxiliaries, Funds, Accounts and Auditing, Minutes and Other Records,

Delegates to National Annual Meeting, Emblem and Amendments.]


Card, Certificate of ANRC Membership for Mrs. Tallman, contribution $1.00, 1949



Box 26


Leaflet. “Prayer of the Red Cross” No Date.

Music for “The Rose of No Man’s Land” No Date.



            Diagram. “Boat Mooring Layouts for Lakes” March, 1950.

            4 “plates” of canoe paddling strokes. February, 1951.

            Pamphlet. “Civil Defense, Household First-Aid Kit. 1951.

            Booklet. “Medical Danger Signals” by Dr. Walter C. Alvarez. Donated by Monique Hinkle, 2002. 1953.

            Diagrams. Elementary back, American crawl, side, breast, back crawl, inverted breast, trudgen, over arm, and trudgen crawl strokes. July 1956.

            Booklet. “A Supplement on Artificial Respiration” May 1959.



            Memo. “Arrival of the Hospital Ship Haven” September 4th, 1953.

            8x10 Glossy, “On the Job for You, Join and Save”

            15 pages of “Pattern” stories for recruitment.

            11 pages of radio spots for American Red Cross 75th anniversary promotion kit.


Pamphlet. “American Red Cross Home Service for Servicemen, Veterans and their Dependents (2 copies). 1951.


Pamphlet. “Civil Defense Supplement to the American Red Cross First Aid Textbook” Published by American National Red Cross (2 copies). 1951.

Red Cross Career of Maurice R. Reddy, Assistant Administrator, Disaster Services National Headquarters. January, 1951.


Paper clipped together. About Wilma Speer’s ARC volunteering. 1952-2001. all rest in same folder. Donations and certificates.

            Letter. Gail Gehrke to Marcy and Steve Speer. About donations a bout Wilma Speer. July 18, 2001. List of donated material.

            Letter. Steve and Marcy Speer to Gail Gherke. Donating materials to OTC ARC. July 12, 2001. List of Donations and Biographical note.

            Photocopied certificate. The ANRC to Wilma Speer. 1977. 267 Volunteer driven miles in 1977. Transportation program.

            Photocopied photograph. 1952. photo of Portland Gray Ladies of 1952, Wilma Speer is at the far right in the front row.

            3 copied articles on one page.

                        Oregonian or Journal (?) Portland, Oreon, May 4, 1954 article “Gray Ladies Receive Caps”.

                        Undated Newspaper article. “Ceremony Caps 13 Gray Ladies”.

                        Undated Newspaper article “Gray ladies Appeal Made”.

            Certicficate of Gray Ladies course completion of March, 1952.

            Certificated of Merit of April 8,  1954 from the veterans Administration for Volunteering.

            Certificate for volunteering at the Huntington Memorial Hospital. May 10, 1961. from Huntington Memorial Hospital .

            All Certificates to Mrs. Wilma Speer.  “Round-up” Newsletter. February 9th, 1953.

May 1953, May1984 and 8/6/85. Literature on Volunteers. Original grouping and order.          


Newsletter. Vol. 7, Number 4. May 1984. Discovery. Oregon Trail Chapter American Red Cross. ‘Volunteer Recognition Activities Highlight May’.

Booklet. May 1953. Placing Volunteers. The American National Red Cross. Note paper clipped to booklet. Nancy, Com. Serv. 8/6/85


Letter. From Thomas A. Gill, to Administrative Directors Regional Blood Centers. RE: Blood Display Produced by Los Angeles Chapter.

October 14th, 1953.


Pamphlet. “First Aid Planning for Chapters”. Published by American National Red Cross. 1954.

Red Cross Career of Fred A. Winfrey, Senior Vice President, American National Red Cross. August 1954.


Pamphlet. “This is the Red Cross”. Published by American National Red Cross. 1955.

August 1st, 1955. Letter. From Jean C. Taylor, to Harold Barrentson. RE: Blood Recruitment Efforts of Mrs. Ralph Falk.



            Board of Director’s Contact List. September 16th, 1955.

            Standing Committees and Their Members. November, 1955.

            Committee Organization. December, 1955.

            Disaster Committee Roster. January, 1956.

            Galloneer Meeting Roster. January 31st, 1956.


Governor’s Office Press Release RE: Red Cross Month. February 27th, 1955.


            Glossy Reproduction of Letter from E.R. Harriman, President of National Red Cross Group to Jack Bushenville of the Union Pacific

Employees Blood Bank Committee. February 17th, 1955.

            Letter from Jack Bushenville to all Employees, RE: Union Pacific Employee Blood Bank. March 9th, 1955.


Letter from O.C. Duckett to Virginia T. Burdick, RE: Shirley A. Dean and Mary Ann Ademino (Sticky Note #1614). October 7th, 1955.


Pamphlet. “Motor Service: A Guide for Chairmen”. Published by American National Red Cross. 1956.

75th Anniversary Clipsheet. 1956.


Pamphlet. “Motor Service: Staff Aide Services: A Guide for Chairmen”. Published by American National Red Cross. 1956.


Leaflet. “Dr. Bernard Pirofsky Accepts Duties as Medical Director at Regional Blood Center”. 1956.


Letter from Louise Linthicum to John A. Moller, RE: Acceptance of His Resignation. January 23rd, 1956.

Gallon Club Award to Lynn Stark. September 25th, 1956.


Diary of Kay Mills. Documents when she helped Red Cross bring over Hungarian refugees. December, 1956.


Pamphlet. “Social Welfare Aide Service: A Guide for Chairmen”. Published by American National Red Cross (2 copies). 1957.


Pamphlet. “Program Planning for Chapters”. Published by American National Red Cross. 1957.


Pamphlet. “A Red Cross Memorial”. Published by American National Red Cross. September, 1959.


Memo. To Public Information Chairman, RE: Three Page Story “Red Cross Mission of Mercy” and three page story of same title. February 26th, 1959.


Newsletter, “Heart to Heart” 10 Year Anniversary of Blood Program. 1959.

Red Cross Career of Vivian Ollila. Late 1950’s.

Box 27


Booklet:  “Double Disaster; Volcanic Eruption and Tidal Wave of the New State of Hawaii, the Red Cross in action.” Published by American Red Cross

May 23, 1960


Booklet:  “The Role of Youth in the Red Cross; recommendations of the youth study committee.”  Published by American Red Cross November 1960


Pamphlet:  “First aid on the Highways.”  Published by Department of Transportation 1960


Newsletter:  “Sons of Union veterans of the Civil War and the inauguration of the union’s president.”  Published by American Red Cross February 1961 (2 copies)


Publication: Instructions Manual, “Survival Swimming.”  Published by American Red Cross March 1961


Letter:  From Sam T. Gibson M.D. to Msgt Lynn A. Stark, concerning donation     pins and a living memorial to war time losses.  Dated April 5, 1961


Pamphlet: “Henry Dunant, A Red Cross Prophet.”  Published by American Red Cross July 1961


Pamphlet: “The Role of Youth in American Red Cross.”  Published by American Red Cross May 1961


Pamphlet:  “Clara Barton.”  Published by American Red Cross May 1961 (2 copies)


Pamphlet:  “Mabel Boardman.”  Published by American Red Cross May 1961


Pamphlet:  “Emergency Care of Sick and Injured.”  Published by American Red Cross August 1961


Pamphlet:  “First Aid, Emergency Kit and Emergency Action.” Published by American Red Cross September 1961


Publication:  Instructions Manual, “Survival Swimming.”  Published by American Red Cross 1961


Pamphlet:  “Fall out protection, what to know and do about a nuclear attack.”  Published by Department of Defense 1961


Pamphlet:  “Be a Disaster Representative.”  Published by American Red Cross 1961


Pamphlet:  “Age will serve and be served.”  Published by American Red Cross 1961


Pamphlet:  “A Supplement on Artificial Restoration,” to accompany Red Cross Textbooks.  Published by American Red Cross January 1962 


Letter:  To Dorie Lane for loyal service to motor services.  Dated May 9, 1962


Pamphlet:  “The American National Red Cross for Service Men and Veterans.”  Published by American Red Cross June 1962


Pamphlet: “The Great Mid-Atlantic Coastal Storm, March 5-7, 1962.”  Published by American Red Cross July 1962


Pamphlet:  “American Red Cross home service for service men, veterans, their dependents and others.”  Published by American Red Cross 1962

(2 copies)


Invitations:  Party invitations for the completion of the Oregon Trail Chapter Headquarters.  Dated April 21, 1963 (2 copies)


Dedication and Program:  For party for the completion of the Oregon Trail Chapter Headquarters.  Dated April 21, 1963 (2 copies)


Award Certificate:  “Veterans Voluntary Service Award to American Red Cross Motor pool.”  Dated May 17, 1963


Essay:  “Drowning and its Mechanics.”  Reprinted from the Canadian Medical Association Journal in August 1963, modified by the American Red Cross

June-July 1964


Program:  Program to annual meeting of Oregon Trail Chapter American Red Cross.  Printed September 24, 1963


Poster:  “Century of Service,” with an attached description.  Published by American Red Cross 1963


Pamphlet:  “The Red Cross and the Refugees.”  Published by American Red Cross 1963


Folder:  “Titled Vista, Includes Letters concerning the Vista Project, photo negatives from city hall, Red Cross News, Facts Sheets and Pamphlets. 

Dating from 1962-1963


News Letter:  “Red Cross News,” Headline; Red Cross Proclamations.  Published by American Red Cross March 1964


Letter: From P.D. Fleisner, president of Oregon Association of Hospitals, congratulating Pacific Northwest Red Cross Blood Program. 

Dated November 2, 1964


Letter: From P.D. Fleisner, president of Oregon Association of Hospitals, concerning Pacific Northwest Blood Program. 

Dated November 2, 1964


Letter: From M.D. James H. Seacat president of Oregon Medical Association concerning Pacific Northwest Blood Program. 

Dated November 13, 1964


Volunteer List:  For Pacific Northwest Red Cross.  Dated November 24, 1964


Publication:  “All News Media Publication for Immediate Release,” concerning supplying blood.  Published by American Red Cross

November 24, 1964


Publication:  “Nurses and Geneva Convention Orientation.”  Published by American Red Cross November 1964


Fact Sheet:  Pacific Northwest Blood Program and the 1 millionth pint of blood.  (Includes a not for release copy)

 Dated November 1964


Fact Sheet:  Pacific Northwest Red Cross Blood Program.”  Dated November 1964


Letter: From M.D. Raymond M. Reichle of the Multnomah Country Medical Society.  Dated November 1964


Letter: From Paul Stuebe, director of publication to Neal English concerning publicizing the millionth donor.  Dated December 21, 1964


Letter: From Paul Stuebe, director of publication to O.C. Duckett, concerning the millionth donor.  Dated December 22, 1964


Pamphlet:  “Digest Facts about your Retirement System.” Published by American Red Cross 1964


Publication:  “Red Cross Recovery Aid, West Coast Floods of Christmas 1964.”  Published by American Red Cross


Publication:  “Nurses and Geneva Conventions Orientation Lessons.”  Published by American Red Cross April 1965



Box 28


Report:  “Annual report, Targets for service of Oregon Trail Chapter of National Red Cross.” Dated 1965-66


News Letter:  Blood Feature Sheet for all Chapters, concerning Blood Collections.  Published by American Red Cross Spring of 1966


Meeting Correspondence:  Roy F. Kirk J.R. Dated 1966


Booklet:  Reader Digest, “First Aid Guide,” Revised Edition.  Published by American Red Cross 1966


Pamphlet:  “Program Chairman of Volunteers Conference Western Area American Red Cross in Oakland California.”  Published by American Red

Cross October 19-20, 1966


Packet:  Containing, Letters from the League of Red Cross Societies, Memorandums, Development programs and Essays about Fund Raising. 

(remains in original order)  Dates From November 15, 1966 to January 13, 1967


Fact Sheet:  “Blood Supply for Open Heart Surgery.”  Dated April 6, 1967


Booklet:  “The Story of Blood.” Published by American Red Cross June 1967


Publication:  Blood Feature Sheet, “Year Round Promotions,” American National Red Cross.  Published by American Red Cross 1967


Letter:  From Linda L. King concerning tapes sent to band includes a Christmas Card.  Dated December 12, 1967


Theatrical Script:  “Something for Everyone,” Oregon Trail Chapter 50th anniversary.  Includes commendation and letters about the production.  Printed

September 22, 1967 (2 copies)


Pamphlet:  “The Red Cross Emblems, its History, Usage and Restrictions.”  Published by American Red Cross February 1968


Publication:  Instructors manual, “Swimming and Water Safety,” to accompany Red Cross Textbooks.  Published by American Red Cross

August 1968


Staff Sheet:  “The Staff of the Oregon Trail Chapter of American Red Cross.” (Remains in original order)  Published by American Red Cross

September 1968


Pamphlet:  “Staff of the Oregon Trail Chapter of American Red Cross.”  Published by American Red Cross September 1968.  Donated by

Monte Thoen March 25, 1998


Publication:  Instructors manual, “Life Saving and Water Safety,” to accompany Red Cross Textbooks.  Published by American Red Cross

1968 (2 copies)


Fact Sheet:  “20th Anniversary of Oregon Trail Chapter of American Red Cross.”  Published by American Red Cross February 19, 1969


Publication:  Instructors manual, “Life Saving and Water Safety,” to accompany Red Cross Textbooks.  Published by American Red Cross May 1969


Newsletter:  “Red Cross News, Floods, Here, There and Coming.”  Published by American Red Cross Spring 1969


Publication:  Instructors manual, “Swimming and Water Safety,” to accompany Red Cross Textbooks.  Published by American Red Cross

August 1969 (2 copies)


Pamphlet:  “The Rare Blood Donation and Registry.”  Published by American Red Cross May 1969


Pamphlet:  “Teaching Jonny to Swim, a manual for parents.”  Published by American Red Cross July 1969


Pamphlet:  “The 20 Most Common Excuses Not To Give Blood.”  Published by American Red Cross November 1969


Letter:  From Gary L Carter thanking sirs for tapes of family.  (Photo copy)  Dated December 17 1969



Box 29


Pamphlet. Chart illustrating proper placement of insignia on volunteer uniform dress for women. July 1970.


Book. American Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety. Copyright 1970.


Book. American Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety. Copyright February 1971.


Notes. Attached to photos of February L.A. earthquake, from Max Slee to Red Cross PR director. Dated 1971.


Pamphlet. “American National Red Cross: Drugs and Their Abuse.” Printed 1971. 2 copies.


Papers regarding “Christmas Voices from Home” program for servicemen abroad, including promotional radio spot text and a news release.

Dated 1971.  Typed photo captions (without photos) describing pictures of Black Hills floods on 6-12-72. 3 pages. Dated 1972.


Essay. “Blood Donation in Clark County.”  Printed 1972.


Newsletter. American Red Cross News Service. “Red Cross Aquatic Schools enter second half-century.” Printed June 1972.


Report. “Swim Success for the Handicapped: The Wedde Handiswimmers Instructional Program,” by Baxter H. Armstrong. Published

February 1972.


Pamphlet. Readers’ Digest reprint. “Immunotherapy: medicine’s most exciting frontier.” By Lawrence Galton. Printed 1974.


Pamphlet. “American National Red Cross: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.” Printed 1974.


Personal letter. Sent from Mrs. Arthur J. Larson to Jodi Stout regarding Larson’s return of Oregon Trail Archives to the Red Cross.

Dated July 17, 1974.


Pamphlet. “First Aid for Foreign Body Obstruction of the Airway.” Printed 1976. 3 copies.


Report. American National Red Cross Annual Report Oregon Trail Chapter: “Organizing Human Kindness to Meet Human Need.”

Dated 1976-77.


Program. American National Red Cross Fifty- First National Convention: afternoon general session. Dated May 10, 1976.


Program. American National Red Cross Fifty- First National Convention: closing plenary session. Dated May 12, 1976.


Program. American National Red Cross Fifty- First National Convention: closing luncheon. Dated May 12, 1976.


Program. American National Red Cross Fifty- First National Convention: opening plenary session. Dated May 10, 1976.


Day book. Blank 1976 diary from the London Red Cross.


Daily Bulletin: American National Red Cross National Convention in Portland, Oregon. Dated May 9, 1976.

“Allaying Fear of the Water,” Therapeutic        Recreation Journal. Printed 1976. 2 copies.


Packet. Stapled set  of 7 pages. Retraining guidelines for change in water safety techniques. Printed 1976.


Pamphlet. American National Red Cross, “White water in an open canoe.” Printed December 1976.


Plastic bag. Promotional material from the 51st National Convention of the ANRC. Dated May 1976. Contains the following:

            -Flyer. Promotional flyer for the 50th National Convention of the ANRC in Boston. Printed 1975.

            - Papers. Summary of speech given at the opening plenary session of the 50th National Convention by Dr. Frank Stanton,

Chairman of the ARC. Dated April 1975.

            - Newspaper clipping. The Boston Globe: “Boston Red Cross Displays 70 Years of History for National Convention.” Dated 1975.

            -Program. ANRC 50th National Convention: “Tour and Recreation.” Printed 1975.

            -Newsletter.  Daily Bulletin: ANRC 50th National Convention. Dated Tuesday,  April 29, 1975. 2 copies.

            - Program. ANRC  51st National Convention in Portland, OR. Dated May 1976.

            -Newsletter. Daily Bulletin: ANRC 51st  National Convention. Dated Monday, May 10 1976

            - Newsletter. Daily Bulletin: ANRC 51st National Convention. Dated Tuesday, May 11 1976.

            -Newsletter. Daily Bulletin: ANRC 51st National Convention. Dated Wednesday, May 12, 1976.

            - Flyer. ANRC 51st Convention Open House at Oregon Trail Chapter Headquarters. Printed 1976.

            -Flyer. Bus schedule for 51st ANRC Convention. Printed May, 1976.

            -Flyer. 51st ANRC Convention map of downtown Portland. Printed 1976.

            -Paper. Statement from Oregon Trail Chapter about Red Cross programs. No date.

            -Flyer. Index of Convention events with schedule of 51st ANRC Convention. No date.


Pamphlet. American Red Cross: First Aid for Poisoning. Printed 1977.


Poster. “Through Adopted Aquatics, We Care.” Printed 1977.


Pamphlet. American Red Cross: Basic Rescue and Water Safety. Printed 1978.


Report. Typed draft regarding  Burnside Street plane crash in December 1978. Dated 1978.


Map.  American Red Cross Administrative Divisions of the U.S. Dated January 1979.


Program. Description of annual Oregon Trail Chapter meeting. Dated 1979.


Box 30


Mt. St. Helen’s. March 20-July 1, 1980. [1731, sticky note]

Manila folder houses newspapers (whole and clippings) about eruption, photocopied map and missing persons list, and bulletins from

Mt. St. Helens “Technical Information Network” by the Federal Coordinating Office.


Stapled, typed packet. “American Red Cross: Oregon Trail Chapter. Organizational Assessment Study”. Cover letter pertaining to a meeting,

May 1. April 28,      1980, From Jim Hladecek to Directors.


Duplicates of posters for the exhibit. “The Spirit of America: An Exhibit from the American Red Cross”. Jan. 5-23, 1981, exhibit dates.


Pamphlet. “1881-1981: Chronology Service to the Armed Forces and Veterans”. May 21, 1981. ARC. [Sticky note, 1764]


Memo. Content: Thank you for lending costumes. Aug. 7, 1981. From Nancy Gilbertz & the Sellwood Pool Staff to Sharon Ritter c/o ARC OTC.


Stapled, typed packet. “A Special Presentation of … The Oregon Trail chapter and Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services American Red Cross”.

Sept. 1981. American City Bureau/Beaver Associates Communications Service Division. [Sticky note, 1665]


Pamphlet. “From One to Another: The Gift of Blood”. Feb. 1981. ARC.

Cover sheet only for packet. “A Guide for Safety Services Instructors”. 1981. ARC.


Newsletter. Discovery”. Jan. 1982. Oregon Trail Chapter American Red Cross Vol.3, Number 1. Mailed to Kay Young.


Newsletter. Factors”. May 1982.  Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services. ARC. Vol. 3, Num. 5.


Newsletter. Discovery”. May 1982. Oregon Trail Chapter American Red Cross. Vol.3, Num. 5. Mailed to Kay Young.


Instructive cover page. “Small Craft and Water Safety”. Spring 1982. OTC ARC. Safety services. 1 page, 2 sided.


Newsletter. Discovery”. June 1982.    OTC ARC. Vol.3, Num. 6. Mailed to Kay Young.

Various media. Red Cross Volunteering. 1982 (roughly).


Pamphlet. “Join Us. Together, We Can Change Things!”. Program for OTC ARC Annual Meeting.

            Newsletter. “Red Cross Volunteers Are Very Special People…”. Front Page 1982 Harriman Award Winners. Summer 1982.

(Paper yellowing).

            Invitation. “Thanks for Being a Wonderful volunteer”. Calendar of events. Dec. 6-9th.

            Picture. Nurse with blood in front of a picture of the world.

            Pamphlet. “About the Costs of Providing Blood”. ARC.

            Flyer. ARC. Trying to get volunteers.


Newsletter. Discovery. OTC ARC. Oct. 1983. Vol.3. Num. 7.


City of Portland Proclamation. Mayor Francis J. Ivancie proclaims January 1984 to be volunteer blood donor month. Jan. 1984. [Sticky note, 1865].


Newsletter. Discovery”. Jan. 1985. OTC ARC. Vol.5, Num. 1. Mailed to Kay Boehme.


Newsletter. Factors”. Jan. 1985. Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services. ARC. Vol. 5. Num. 1.


Newsletter. Discovery”. April 1985. OTC ARC. Vol.5, Num. 3. Mailed to Kay Boehme.


Pamphlet. “Volunteers…Building a Better Future”. 1985. Chronology of ARC events/participation.

Mix of printed/handwritten/photocopied papers (paper clipped together). Routing slip/Joseph W. Bennett. May 21, 1986. Letter to Sharon Ritter.


Pamphlet. “ARC: Health Education Programs” Description/schedules of programs. April-June 1987.


Pamphlet. “There’s Something for You at Red Cross”. Description/schedule of events/classes. 1986-1987. ARC OTC.


Internal newsletter. “Center Connection”. April 1, 1988. ARC. Vol. viii, Num. 7.


Internal newsletter. “Center Connection”. July 18, 1988. ARC. Vol. Viii, Num.13.


Internal newsletter. “Center Connection”. July 29, 1988. ARC. Vol. viii, Num. 13. [Different than above].


Typed personal letter with inserted news clipping. ARC Letter. Sept. 26, 1988. Dorothy Franklin.


Pamphlet. “Spring Classes: Safety and Health Education”. Classes/schedules. April-June 1989. ARC, Oregon Trail Chapter.


Stapled and photocopied information. “Water Safety News (Safety and Health Education). Class schedules, description. Spring 1989.


Box 31


Stapled Pages. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter: The Caring Continues: 75

            Years, a History of Caring. February 4th, 1992.

·        A summarized historical chronology of the Oregon Trail Chapter of the American Red Cross’ involvement and contributions during

WWI.  Includes commentary and descriptions of specific contributions and efforts such as the Canteen Project, Home Hygiene and

Nursing classes, the development of the Junior Red Cross, organization of the public dental clinic for kids, the forming of Motor

Corps and the Royal Rosarians fundraiser group.


Photocopied Page. Red Cross People: Daily Dedication to People Highlighted in

            American Red Cross Exhibition, At the 85th Annual Meeting and Red Cross

            Exhibition. April 20th, 1992. Written by Joseph J. Urcuioli.

·        Describes the exhibition “In Crisis In Calm: The American Red Cross in

Connecticut,” organized by the Greater Hartford Red Cross Chapter and the Connecticut Historical Society.  The page explored

the many, varied ways in which the chapters of the state have aided people in Connecticut since the founding of the first chapter in

Litchfield in 1898.  Includes visual description of display and various speakers.


Pamphlet. American Red Cross: A History of Caring, Oregon Trail Chapter 75 Year

            Anniversary, the Caring Continues. 1992.

·        This public relations pamphlet of the 75th anniversary offers archival

photographs and a brief chronology and history of the Oregon Trail Chapter’s involvement over the years in the Multnomah,

Clackamas, Columbia, Washington and Yamhill counties.


Pamphlet. Resource Guide for Volunteer Staff. 1992. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail

            Chapter, Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Center.

·        This pamphlet gives the mission statement of the American Red Cross, and states and describes the corporate goals (1986-1991),

National Administration Structure, Oregon Trail Chapter Volunteer Advisory Committee Organizational Chart, expectations of

staff members, training, career development, attendance and record keeping, volunteer recognition, and general facts.


Original Folder, Paper-Clipped Papers. American Red Cross During WWII: A Special

            Exhibit in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of WWII. June 6th, 1994.

(A)  Flier. American Red Cross During WWII: Serving at the Home Front and the

War Front. Coffee and Donut Reception. June 6th, 1994. (2 Count).

(B)   Page. American Red Cross During WWII: History of American Red Cross

Involvement. No Date. (2 Count).

(C)  Page. American Red Cross During WWII: Military and Social Services Statistics. No Date. (2 Count).

(D)  Stapled Packet. American Red Cross During WWII: Schedule of Reception Events and Description, Summary. No Date.

·        This is a transcript of the dedicatory speech for the event, addressing those

aided overseas, involved in WWII.  It acknowledges and tells the history of John Linder, a prisoner of war, who donated archival

copies of the Red Cross Newsletter.  It also acknowledges Jim Osborne, Board of Directors and Chairman of the Local Disaster

Relief Fund, who was also a WWII veteran.

(E)   Flier. American Red Cross During WWII: Coffee and Donut Myth Explanation. No Date. (2 Count).


Original Folder, Various Papers. The Involvement of American Red Cross in WWII.     Information for Exhibit, Benefits. June 1994.

(A)  Paper. American Red Cross During WWII: Serving on the Home Front and

the War Front. History and Chronology. No Date.

(B)   Paper with Pasted Photocopied Photo. American Red Cross Military and Social Services During WWII Information. No Date.

(C)  Stapled Pages. WWII Display Opening. Monday June 6th, 1994, 10am. List.

(D)  Stapled Pages. Interview of John Linder Questions List. No Date.

(E)   Paper. Release for “Use of Likeness or Recording” by American Red Cross. May 24th, 1994. Signed by John G. Linder.

(F)   Photocopied Page. Oregon Historical Society Photographic Services Pricing Sheet. No Date.

(G)  Carbon Copy. Oregon Historical Society Photograph Reproduction Form Receipt. No Date.

(H)  Flier. Oregon Historical Center Calendar of Events. April-August, 1994.

(I)     Photograph Duplicate. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter, Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services. No Date. (2 Count).

(J)     Page. Summary of the Contributions and History of John Linder. No Date.

·        Linder, a 73 year old veteran and former prisoner of war, was also a 4th

generation Oregonian.  He was a member of the Army’s armored infantry and was captured by the Germans.  This page discusses

the Red Cross packages that were sent weekly to Linder while he was a prisoner.

(K)  Page. Summary of the Contributions and History of Jim Osborne. No Date.

·        Osborne was a WWII veteran and long-time American Red Cross volunteer

who worked as a radio operator in the 1st Calvary Division of the 8th

Regiment, stationed in Tokyo.  He also was a delegate to the 1994 National Convention in Seattle.

(L)   Printed Page. Display Case Dedication and Information. 50th Anniversary of D-Day. No Date.

(M)  Printed Page. Information on Arts and Skills, Home Nursing and Grace Phelps. No Date.

(N)  Printed Page. Information on the “Gray Ladies” and Blood Donor Center. No Date.

(O)  Page. Information on Home Service Volunteer Corps, Canteen Services, Dietician’s Aid Corps, Junior Red Cross and Motor Corps.

No Date.

(P)   Page. Information on Odette Allen Watson. American Red Cross Nursing, Production and Home Service. No Date.

(Q)  E-mail. WWII Anniversary Story Opportunities. April 15th, 1994. To Gisele McAuliffe From Lisa Player, Public Information Specialist

of Oregon Trail Chapter.

(R)   Paper. American Red Cross Memorandum. April 22nd, 1994. To Lisa Player From Johanna.

(S)   Fax Sheet. Information on the WWII Anniversary and Holiday Promotion. April, 1994. American Red Cross.


Carbon Copy. Application for Permission to Publish Oral History of John Linder. August

            20th, 1994. Author: Lisa Player, American Red Cross. Photographs Department,

            Oregon Historical Society.


Stapled Pages. Memorandum: Photocopied Permission to Publish Applications.

            Addressed to Susan Seyl: Photographs Department, Oregon Historical Society.

            November 2nd, 1994. From Lisa Player: Public Information Specialist, American

            Red Cross.


Carbon Copy. Application of Permission to Publish Request Form. November 10th, 1994.

            Photographs Department, Oregon Historical Society.


Page. Red Cross Dolls: Plan of Restoration. November 11th, 1994. Volunteer: C.

            Reichers. Evaluated by Jack Thompson of Oregon Historical Society.

·        This page lists 5 local doll restoration businesses with contact information, and includes the recommended procedures to fix,

mend the dolls.


Original Folder, Paper-Clipped Items. 1990’s Layout, Design Captions for Exhibit. 1994.

(A)  Photocopy Cut-Out Pasted on Paper. “If You Need Me, Call the Red Cross.” No Date.

(B)   Blue Photocopy. Photograph Receipt Order # 014650 and Description. No Date.

(C)  White Photocopy. Photograph Receipt Order # 001497 and Description. No Date.

(D)  White Photocopy. Photograph Receipt Order # 013089 and Description. No Date.

(E)   Printed Page. Items on Loan, Donations for WWII Exhibit List of Donors and Donations, Loans. Revised: May 26th, 1994.

(F)   Printed Page. Text for Display Cases # 1-11. 50th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on France. No Date.

(G)  Printed Page. Text for Display Cases # 12-22. 50th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on France. No Date.

(H)  Printed Page. Text for Display Cases # 23-31. 50th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on France. No Date.

·        This page gives a description and information about the Gray Ladies,

including their tasks and member numbers in 1944: 72 members worked 9828 hours in 1 federal, 2 military and 2 civilian hospitals. 

They (among other things) shopped for hospital bound soldiers, distributed the Red Cross Newsletter, taught arts and crafts, played

card games, sewed for the soldiers and played the piano for entertainment.

(I)     Printed Page. Text for Display Cases # 32-41. 50th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on France. No Date.

(J)     Printed Page. Text for Display Cases # 42-48. 50th Anniversary of D-Day Landings on France. No Date.


Paper-Clipped Photocopied Photographs, Pasted Texts. American Red Cross, Oregon

            Trail Chapter, Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services Layouts for WWII

            Benefit. 1994.

(A)  Photocopied Photograph. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter. No Date.

(B)   Text Layout. American Red Cross During WWII: Serving at the Home Front and the War Front. June 6th-September 9th, 1994.

(C)  Photocopied Photograph. American Red Cross During WWII: Layout for Opening Reception Flier. June 6th, 1994.


Page. American Red Cross Memorandum Subject: Pins, Uniforms. August 6th, 1996.

            Addressed to Chapters, Blood Centers, AFES and Field Services. From Shirley

            Powers, American Red Cross Volunteer Historian.

·        This memorandum includes the history of the American Red Cross pins,

displaying 20 photocopied images of pin styles on the reverse side of the page.


Original Folder. Pages, Proclamation. General Disaster Exhibit Information. 1996.

            American Red Cross.

(A)  Page. “There’s No Such Thing as a Small Disaster.” Oregon Trail Chapter

Historical Disaster Exhibit. November-March, 1994. (A).

(B)   Page. “There’s No Such Thing as a Small Disaster.” Oregon Trail Chapter

Historical Disaster Exhibit. November-March, 1994. (B).

(C)  Page. “There’s No Such Thing as a Small Disaster.” Oregon Trail Chapter Historical Disaster Exhibit. November-March, 1994. (C).

(D)  Stapled Packet. “There’s No Such Thing as a Small Disaster.” American Red Cross Disaster Services. 1993.

·        This packet describes the exhibit dedicated to thousands of volunteers who have served in the community for 80 years.  It includes

 the history of the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Services, providing examples of contributions such as feeding emergency

 workers, referring those affected by disaster to other available resources, handling inquiries from concerned family members and

providing blood and blood products to victims.  Details about the Vanport flood and the services provided for that specific disaster

are included.

(E)   Document. City of Portland Proclamation: Red Cross Family Preparedness Day. Signed by Vera Katz. 1996.


Stapled Packet. Annual Report: Oregon Trail Chapter. 1996-1997.

·        This packet contains a documented speech about the past, present and future of the American Red Cross, complete with the

organization’s mission statement.


Transcript. Interview of Frances Dreisen. Oregon Trail Chapter: “1000 Years of Service.”

            March 4th, 1997. Interviewed by Elaine Grogan.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Dreisen’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She first volunteered with the organization as a bandage roller for the soldiers, then became a driver with Motor



Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Ruby Bigoni. Oregon Trail Chapter: “1000 Years

            of Service.” March 7th, 1997. Interviewed by Marie Schwab.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Bigoni’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She worked at the registration office and blood packing area.  She also describes the appearance and style of

her uniform.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Maxine Crookham. March 11th, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Crookham’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She was a Motor Corps Member Chairman and discusses the friendships that she made during those years

with other members.  She also discusses the Columbus Day Storm.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview for American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter:

“1000 Years of Service.” March 20th, 1997. Interview of Elva Coombs by George T. Brown.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Coombs’ involvement with the American Red Cross.  She took lifesaving courses as a child

from the organization, and then became a lifesaving swimming instructor.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Frances Baynham, Oregon Trail Chapter: “1000

            Years of Service.” March 21, 1997. Interview by Karen Martinek.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Baynham’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She learned to knit from the organization and continued to knit for the Arts and Crafts department, teaching

at a rehabilitation center.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Eleanor Louise Ray. April 24th, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Ray’s involvement with the American

Red Cross.  She volunteered during WWII and recalls memories of how the war affected civilian life.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Frances Tousey. April 28th, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Tousey’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She was involved with the Motor Corps, driving a small green sedan, then performed emergency blood deliveries.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Winifred (Wynn) Perry. May 22nd, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Perry’s involvement with the American Red Cross.  She first began as a member of the Canteen,

then was promoted to an escort position and helped with registration, working in a mobile clinic.  She describes her uniforms, and

discusses her various contributions: sang songs for the servicemen, conducted blood drives and worked with Mexican immigrants. 

She also recalls the Columbus Day storm and the damage it caused in McMinnville, as well as the Vanport flood.


Paper-Clipped Transcript. Interview of Helen Dugdale. May 31st, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Dugdale’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She worked for the Canteen and as an escort.


Stapled Transcript. Interview of Virginia McNeal. June 4th, 1997.

·        This transcript accounts the history of McNeal’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She drove her own convertible for the organization, picking up various people and dignitaries.  She also describes

her khaki uniform.  In addition, she volunteered for the blood bank for 55 years.


Original Envelope Contents: Paper-Clipped Transcript, Floppy Disk. Oral History of

            Frances Baynham. June 9th, 1997. Interview by April Lonzway.

·        This transcript accounts the history of Baynham’s involvement with the

American Red Cross.  She learned how to knit, perform leather tooling and various other crafts from the organization, then taught

them in a rehabilitation center.  She was a member of the Telephone Committee, taught weaving, and worked in blood services in a mobile. 

She became a 1st Responder for the Disaster team that found shelter and food for fire victims.  She describes her uniforms consisting

of a smock for the Arts and Crafts, and a red jacket for the Disaster Relief team.  She recalls having personally called on the Red Cross

for help.  In her later years, she became part of the Volunteer Recognition Committee.


Stapled Packet. “1000 Years of Service”: Subject, Historian Chart. June 1997. (2 Count).


Postcard. “The Old Apple Tree of Vancouver, Washington.” Addressed to Karen

            Martinek of American Red Cross. August 19th, 1997. Written by Mary Cowan.


Letter. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter. Handwritten by Janet Hinkle.

            September 12th, 1997. Addressed to Becky.


Booklet. A Selected Bibliography. Hazel Braugh Records Center. 1997. American Red


·        The bibliography contains references for documents written about the American Red Cross.  This includes references for periodicals and

reports, printed reports and databases and rosters.  It also contains an introduction describing Hazel Braugh Records Center Collections

of Published Materials.


Booklet. Directory of Repositories. Hazel Braugh Records Center. 1997. American Red


·        This booklet contains directories and information on organizations, some of

which are: Clara Barton Birthplace Museum, Clara Barton National Historic Site, Hazel Braugh Records Center, Bush Presidential

Materials Project, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Federation of the American Red

Cross Red Crescent Societies, Herbert Hoover Presidential Library, National Archives and Records Administration, Harry S. Truman

Presidential Library, United States Army Military History Institute and Women in Military Service for American Memorial.


Booklet. Guidance on the Management of Records. Hazel Braugh Records Center. 1997.

            American Red Cross.

·        This booklet contains the American Red Cross Records Management Policy. 

The contents contain, but are not limited to: the basics of historical records management, accessioning historical material, guidance on the

protection of historical records, resources for the management of archives and research assistance record.


Historical Packet. American Red Cross, Oregon Trail Chapter: “Yesterday, Today and

            Tomorrow.” 1997.

·        Packet contains the American Red Cross mission statement, as well as brief

captions of volunteer involvement and contribution statistics, and memories since the establishment of the organization.  It also gives

 information on a number of Red Cross contributions to WWI, WWII, the Vanport flood and the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, to name

a few.  In addition, it includes contributions of present times, in the fields of: disaster response, preparedness, first aid and safety education,

water safety and lifeguarding, youth programs, international services, services to armed forces, transportation services and plans for

building the future.  The packet incorporates multiple and various photographs to complement the text. 


Folder. American Red Cross Facts. June 1999.

(A)  Newsletter. The Heritage Quarterly Volume 2, Number 1, January-March

1997. American Red Cross History and Education Center.            

(B) Page. Red Cross Quilts in 1918: Making the 1918 American Quilt. 1996.

      American Red Cross.

·        This page discusses the “Signature Quilt,” autographed by more than

900 people, including 4 presidents: William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and Woodrow Wilson, as well as

many celebrities of the time.  The quilt was made by school children living in Los Angeles in 1918. It symbolized an egalitarian and

humanitarian American Red Cross which has mobilized support in times of need from 1881 until today.  On the reverse side, is a

general discussion about the American Red Cross Quilts.  It describes the history of the effort, stating that women across the country

began to make quilts for soldiers after the Red Cross’ advertised slogans encouraged it. 

(C) Page. Advertisement for American Red Cross Cards. 1999. American Red


(D)  Page. Illustration of Shirley Temple Red Cross Doll. No Date. American Red Cross.

(E)   Page. American Red Cross History and Education Center Information. 1999.

American Red Cross.

(F)   Brochure. American Red Cross History and Education Center Visitor’s Center

Map and Information. 1999. American Red Cross.

(G)  Webpage Paper. The Continuous Commitment: African Americans in the Red Cross, A World Wide Web Exhibit. March 7th, 1997.

(H)  Webpage Paper. American Red Cross Virtual Museum: Archives. March 7th, 1997.

(I)     Webpage Paper. American Red Cross Virtual Museum: Welcome Letter From

Elizabeth Perry. March 7th, 1997.

(J)    Webpage Paper. American Red Cross Virtual Museum: Cover Page. March 7th, 1997.

(K) Page. American Red Cross Website Information. 1996.

(L)   Page. American Red Cross Volunteers: A Do Gooder’s Guide. 1996. Written

by Louis Turbeville.

(M) Page. Henry Ossawa Tanner and the American Red Cross Information. 1997.

       Ronald McDonald Charities.

(N) Webpage Paper. Heritage Collection Gift Shop. March 11th, 1997.

(O) Webpage Paper. Bernie M. Ceilley Board of Governors. March 11th, 1997.

(P)   Webpage Paper. American Red Cross Registry Information. March 7th, 1997.

(Q) Webpage Paper. The Continuous Commitment: Volunteers at Booker T. Washington Branch. African American Exhibit. 1997.

(R)  Brochure. American Red Cross Cards Information and Order Form. 1996. American Red Cross History and Education Center.

(S)   Brochure. American Red Cross Registry Information and Registrant Profile. 1996.

(T)   Pamphlet. Memorial Tribute to Carolyn Scholl. September 26th, 1996.

(U)   Pamphlet. American Red Cross History and Education Center Lecture Series. 1997. Edward H. Rensi of McDonald’s USA.

(V)  Card. American Red Cross Created. No Date.

(W) Business Card. American Red Cross Member Elizabeth A.C. Perry. No Date


Letter. About lady’s mother and her uniform. July 17, 2000. Mrs. Terry Metcalf to Gail Gehrke, ARC OTC. Postcard in envelope.


Box 32

Folder:  History of the Portland-Multnomah County Chapter of the American Red Cross.  From September 1, 1939 to June 30, 1945

by Burt Brown Barker


Folder:  A History of the Portland Chapter of the American Red Cross.  From February 24, 1917 to June 30, 1919 compiled

by Orton B. Goodwin, Chapter Historian.


Book:  A History of the Portland Chapter of the American Red Cross.  From February 24, 1917 to June 30, 1919 compiled by Orton

B. Goodwin, Chapter Historian.  (Original Texts)


Book:  History of the Oregon Chapter of American Red Cross.  From 1919 to 1945 by Burt Brown Barker


Folder:  Untilled History.  From February 14, 1917 to September 1, 1939.  Includes tables, lists and sketches of activities by Burt Brown Barker. 

(Copy with secondary notations)


Folder:  Untilled History.  By Burt Brown Barker August 15 1949


Publication:  Oregon Trail Red Cross History, 50 years of service.  From 1917 to 1967.



Box 33


Book. “ARC, First Aid Textbook for Juniors”. © 1949 by the ANRC. Stamped with Tigard Junior High School, Tigard, Oregon – Phone 2841

 [Book Box 1].


Book. “ARC, First Aid Textbook for Juniors”. Second edition. (With an appendix on safety information). Second edition © 1953 by the ANRC.

 [Book Box 1].


Book. ARC: Life Saving and Water Safety. © 1956, printed Jan. 1970 and Feb. 1971. (3 copies). [Book Box 1].


Book. “Life Saving and Water Safety Today, For Students and Instructors. By Charles E. Silvia. © 1965 by national Board of Young

Men’s Christian Association. (2 copies). [Book box 1].


Box 34


Book. ARC: RC Home Nursing by Lona L. Trott, R.N., B.S. © 1942. [Book Box 2].


Book. QRC Text book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick. By Jane A. Delano, R.N. © 1933. [Book box 2].


Book. ARC Swimming and Diving © 1938 (2 copies). [Book box 2].


Book. ARC First Aid Textbook © 1933 and 1937. (3 copies). [Book box 2].


Box 35


Book. “The Red Cross, In peace and War. History of the Red Cross”. Published 1899. By Clara Barton. [Perhaps not 1st printing].

[Book box 3].


Book, small. “Rhymes of a Red Cross Man”. 1916, date pub. By Robert W. Service. Handwritten in the front ‘To Mary from Mother,

Xmas 1922”.  [Book box 3].


Book. “Letters From Oregon Boys in France”. 1st edition 1917-1918. [Cover of the book has come off and pages are yellowed].

Illustrated by George Phillips. [Book box 3


Book. “Rhymes of a Red Cross Man”. 1916, copyright by Barse & Hopkins. By Robert W. Service. Handwritten in the front ‘Julia B. Harty’.

[Book box 3].


Box 36


Book. The ANRC, Its Origin, Purpose and Service. Dec. 1923. By Sarah Elizabeth Pickett. [Book box 4].


Book. “First Aid and Health”. 1927. Prepared by the ARC and the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. for the use of the Bell system



Book. “The Mississippi Valley Flood Disaster of 1927, Official Report of the Relief Operations”. Oct. 1929. The ARC. [NOTE 1005].

[Book box 4].


Book. “A Memory of Solferino”. 1939. J. Henry Dunant. [Note 1001]. [Book box 4].


Book. “Irish Junior Red Cross Christmas Annual, Iris na Nodlag”. 1945. Published by the Irish Junior Red Cross. [1003] [book box 4].


Book. “Introduction to the Red Cross, a Course for General Orientation of Red Cross Workers”. 1948. The ANRC. [Book box 5].


Box 37


Book. “Red Cross Home Nursing Textbook”. 1950. Prepared by Nursing Services, ARC. Written in front ‘Maysel (?) Humphrey’.

[Book box 5]


Book. “The American Red Cross: A History”. 1950 Foster Rhea Dulles. Written in front ‘Florance P. Berg’. [Book box 5].


Book. “Home Nursing Textbook”. 7th edition 1963, 8th printing September 1967. Prepared by Nursing Services, ARC. [1840, sticky note].


Book. “ARC First Aid Text-book”. © 1937, corrected reprint 1940. Donated by Monique Hinkle, 2002.      


Box 38


Book. “On Active Service with Base Hospital 46 USA Mar. 29, 1918 to May 25, 1919”. Assumed printed 1920. [Book box 3].


Book. “ARC Swimming and water Safety”. 3rd printing March 1971. With assignment and lesson. [Book box 5].


Book. “First Aid Textbook”. 4th edition revised 1957, 24th printing. ANRC. 2 copies on with 249 illustrations and the other with 269 illustrations.

 [Book box 5].


Book. “The Record of Red Cross Work on the Pacific Slope”. 1902. Compiled and edited by a Committee appointed by the Executive Board of

the California State Red Cross. To Colonel Ranles from “San Francisco Red Cross”. [Oversized].


Book. “Encounter with Henry Dunant”. © 1963. Editor Bernard Gagnebin. [Oversized].


Box 39 undated


Music for “The Rose of No Man’s Land”


Geneva Convention’s Symbols


Pamphlet “Highway Emergency” First Aid Station ARC Directory”. Mostly Blank. Undated.


Booklet: Study of the Role of Youth in the Red Cross Interim Report (undated).



Box 40 unprocessed