
Native skills for analysis of complex systems

Given that humans live in a complex world, we must have developed some intellectual capacity for dealing with complex systems. I am assuming that we are innately able to solve particualr types of problems. One whole class of those problems are landscape problems (landscape-and-cognition.html).

Other classes of these problems should be explored.

I need to map each native skill onto problems/ and be able to show appropriate metaphors which call up this approach.

starting points (beside landscapes)

social connectedness - Gigerenzer book - ability to tell how big your social group is

stigmergy -

grammar - ability to parse out complicated rules



The point is to examine a list of native skills that can be employed (maybe with a little training) by everybody. In particular, I want to target these toward the complex problems and decisions surrounding sustainability issues.

The other point is to find problems that are totally foreign to human evolution. These may form the largest barrier and present the most danger. If we can't involve more people in understanding how these are solved (except explaining to them that a computer did some manipulations), then we may not be able to move ahead. We may not, as a society, be able to make sense of some things.