
Sachs, J. D. (2005). The end of poverty: Economic possibilities for our time. New York, The Penguin Press.

pg 244 investments needed to end poverty

human captial: health, nutrition, skills

business capital: facilities

infrastructure: roads, sanitation, ..

natural captial: arable land, healthy soils, biodiversity, functioning ecosystems that provide services

public institutional captial: law, judicial system, policy

knowledge capital: scientific and technological know-how to increase production and use physical and natural capital


pg 280 four main policies needed

debt crisis

global trade

science for development (see below)

environmental stewardship (see below)


pg 282 Science needed for development

often technology or science helps with a breakthrough that promotes long-term economic growth

special areas that could promote developmen

diseases of the poor, especially tropical diseases

tropical agriculture, new varieties and soil management

energy systems designed for remote rural areas

climate forcasting and better understanding of climate change

water manaagment technologies, desalinization, management that avoids overuse

sustainable management of ecosystems


pg 284 Environmental stewardship

climate and pollution

poorest nations suffer the most from