Linstone, Harold A. 1981. The Multiple Perspective Concept: With applications to technology assessment and other decisions areas. Futures Research Institute. T 174.5 .M83
pg 10 Data and Models
quoting phrases
Lockean - empirical, truth is experiential and does not depend on theoretical consideration
Leibnizian - formal model, truth is analytic and does not rest on raw data of an external world
Kantian - theoretical model and empirical data complement each other and are inseparable, truth is a synthesis; multiple models provide synergism
Hegelian - dialectic confrontaion between models or plans leading to resolution
Merleau-Ponty - reality is currently shared assumptions about a specific situation
Singerian - pragmatic meta-inquiring system which includes application of other systems as needed
Kant's Noumena - reality beyond the perception of our senses
pg 16 time horizons, short horizon = high discount, long horizon=low discount
technology time can have long time horizons, social time is longer than personal time
different perspectives; technological, organizational and personal