Differs from traditional management in that it seeks multiple perspectives
perspective = coherent and consistent description of the world that guide them to act
individualist (market optimist)
egalitarian (environmental worry wart)
hierarchist (controllist)
(see Van Asselt & Rotmans 1996)
- controversy = different opinions
- dilemma = forced to make a decision between two options that are both difficult or undesirable
Problem definition
"Can we provide a future world population with enough food, clean water and energy to guarantee a healthy life, while safeguarding our natural resource base?"
- water scarcity models
- water quality models
- water supply-cost curves
- water demand
- diffusion of new technology
- partial consumption use
- sensitivity to climate change
examine alternative interpretations
- population growth desired
- limits to population
- other values and predictions
look at the different perspective descriptions of the problem and management style
hierachist - egalitarian - indivudalist
generate predictions from the model for each type