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Technology vs. Humans vs. Nature

Humans vs. Nature debate

Are humans part of nature or are we separate?

Discussion highlights the role and impact of humans and our responsibility to:


Is technology special?

(In part this question is parallel to whether natural capital or biodiversity are special.)

No, it's just an outcome of natural human behavior and industriousness.

Yes, because it has wide ranging impacts.

Yes, because technology has non-natural and non-human characteristics of its own.


How does technology develop and how is it controlled?

Three theories from Feenberg (1991) Critical Theory of Technology

Instrumental theory: technology follows from decisions and values established in other social contexts (politics, governance, culture)

technology is neutral and should serve many value systems

Sustantive theory: technology has it's own cultural force that is separate from other social actions

once a technology is launched it has a "life" of its own

Critical theory: must explain how technology can be controlled by democratic processes to create a better society

how would the use of technology support a democratically controlled economy