

Sigmoidal Growth Pattern


Date created: Oct 24, 2013

Links to:

Logistic Model

Population Growth Models




Presentation Outline:

1. General pattern

a. rapid, resource replete growth at low populations (and high resources)

b. inflection

c. slowing net growth as population runs out of resources

d. steady state at a high population



sigmoidal growth curve

2. Models that describe this growth

a. "Logistic Equation"

for a population size N

maximum growth rate (r) and carrying capacity (K)

the growth rate decreases by a factor of (K-N)/K as N approaches K

there is no death term, no mechanism for crash,

b. STELLA model such as

population size could reach a steady state when births = deaths

c. general sigmoidal curves

such as y = x^2/(x^2+K^2)



