
Providence and Progress



  • moving forward, onward, advance
  • the advance or growth of modern, industrialized society, its technology, and its trappings



  • The prudent care and management of resources.
  • The careful guardianship exercised by a deity.
  • A manifestation of divine care or direction.

(from Wiktionary )


What is this "modern" condition that is our goal?

from Norgaard

  1. science brings progress
  2. positivism and monism
    1. positivism is that values and facts can be separated
    2. monism is that separate sciences, applied sciences, and economics will all lead to a one, unique and coherent answer to any problem posed
  3. cultural differences will fade with exposure to Western rationality

and related to this

  1. nature is separate
  2. minds just percieve and process to aquire objective knowledge
  3. society is organized to use rational knowledge to exploit resources efficiently

these three static views lead to environmental catastrophes


Religious underpinnings

Welcome to the Future by Brad Paisley -http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/bradpaisley/welcometothefuture.html



Norgaard, R. B. (1994). Development betrayed: The end of progress and a coevolutionary revisioning of the future. London/New York, Routledge.