
Failure to Perceive Long Scales


Date=January 18, 2014
tags <ESM102>
links: failure to account for scale, pulsing



Why can't we, as Aldo Leopold exhorted us to, "think like a mountain"?

Failure to recognize that important processes happen across many scales can lead to disastrous outcomes.

Long time scales:

Civilizations may "pulse" with rises and falls.

  • Mayan - M. Harris 1977
  • Italy - Putnam 1993
  • Easter Island - cultural elaboration

Energy and society

  • Exploitation of ample resources followed by decline
  • "The Prosperous Way Down" - Odum and Odum 2001

Cultural perceptions of time:

Comparing - in a broad sense (Hall and others)

  • type 1
    • time is continuous and orderly
    • focus on the near future (Americans especially)
    • can't perceive longer term environmental constraints
  • type 2
    • far past and future
  • type 3
    • focus on history
    • honoring ancestors leads to focus on repeating the past
  • type 4
    • cyclical

Personal perceptions of time:

human time scale - on a log scale (1 min/ 10 min/ 2hr/ 24 hrs/ week/ season/ year/ decade/ lifetime)

stages of life

  • major changes each 5 years up to about 20 overshadows external events
  • early adulthood and family are major distractions also

Brain function:

making choices over a short time uses a different part of the brain than long term

  • FPET
  • examples:
    • borrow money for tomorrow vs. one year from now
    • gambling - odds of winning vs loosing are perceived asymmetrically




