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Examples of environmental accounting

Mar 18, 2013


Forest carbon

REDD - reduced emissions from deforestation and destruction

REDD vs. Palm Oil Plantation to save biodiversity
depending on the nature of the soil and forest - get different prices for saving the carbon
$10 to $33 per metric ton CO2
$2 to 16 per metric ton in the cost efficient areas
<!-- do they really mean ton of CO2 or ton of carbon?-->
Carbon accounting in a forest that might burn


Tir Gofal - Welsh landholdings

Tir Gofal system for agri-environmental preservation in Wales
assigning a value on pieces of habitat depending on its quality
goal was to preserve and care for agricultural, environmental and historical parts of the landscape


Tualatin River and CWS - need the ability to sell bonds for green treatments

Tualatin Water District/Clean Water Services
need to meet temperature requirements in the Tualatin River
could use equipment to cool water down before release (more expensive)
could arrange to have trees planted all along the Tualatin River upstream of their release (much less expensive - and has other ecological benefits, such as bank stabilization)
only one of these can be bonded (the capital equipment) because it is the only solution that has an "asset"
could change the definition of asset or change the law about what can be bonded (instead of paid for out of operating expenses)


Willamette Partnership - sophisticated tracking tools that are accessible by the public

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