
Biome Productivity

ecosystem type g m^-2 y ^-1
tropical rainforest


tropical seasonal forest

tropical & subtrop coniferous forest  
temperate coniferous evergreen forest 1300
temperate broadleaf deciduous forest 1200
boreal forest/Taiga 800
Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrub  
woodland and shrubland 700
savanna 900
temperate grassland 600
tundra and alpine 140
desert and semidesert shrub 90
extreme desert, rock, sand, and ice 3
cultivated land 650
swamp and marsh 2000
lake and stream 250
open ocean 125
upwelling zones 500
continental shelf 360
reefs 2500
estuaries 1500


taken from Table 3-6 - McKinney and Schoch 1998. Environmental Science: Systems and Solutions