Fisheries 1 |
see chapter 12
- statement of uncertainty and values
- hypothesis - variability will not effect resilience
- models
- maximum sustainable yield
- simulations
- simulations with variability in carrying capacity
- simulations with stochastic loss of population
- some sequences have " a string of bad luck"
- management, monitoring and adapatation
Lake eutrophication |
- lake water is too polluted with algae, lower algae would be more valuable
- reducing P input would decrease algae
- TMDL - total maximum daily load
- probability distribution of violations (too much chlorophyll)
- decrease P to 40% would get violations only 5% of the time
- reduce P input, measure, changing the model as we learn more
- for example - improvement of up-basin riparian zones
- increasing wetlands
Fisheries 2 |
Apo Island example of setting up a
- statement
- hypothesis
- model
- management activity