
Control of Complex Systems

August 2005

Humans have trouble percieving processes at larger scales. They seem to take their tools and toys and push the metaphor too much. For example, if they have a wheel they want flat paths so they can use their wheels. If they have a ball, even as a toy, they want a big two-dimensional flat surface so they can play on it.

In agriculture, the failure of perception seems to be with the time scale. By constraining space an trying for consistency they elminate diversity. Once a crop has built up, it is easy prey for other users such as deer and insects. The response is to use fences and pesticides, i.e. to constrain the system even more. This is a failure of time scale that ignores pulsing and the need for complex controls.

Three examples of valuing the long scale processes:

1. Milpa - rotation that enriches the whole watershed - link to other discussions

2. Balinese pattern of irrigating rice crops that suppresses pests - link

3. Sacred groves and "carrying capacity" - link