Step 1: Open up EXCEL and get a new spreadsheet.
Creating the spreadsheet
Step 2: go to cell A1 and type in a title for the spreadsheet.
Step 3: go to cell A3 and type in PO2. This column will contain the oxygen partial pressures.
Step 4: go to cell B2 and enter the value 26. This will be the K for curve 1.
Step 5: go to cell B3 and curve1.
Step 6: go to cell C2 and enter the value 40. This will be the K for curve 2.
Step 7: go to cell C3 and type curve2
Step 8: go to cells A4 through A13 (or more if you like) and enter a range of PO2 values from 0 to 160.
Step 9: go to cell B4 and enter the equation "=A4^2.8/(A4^2.8 + $B$2^2.8". Enter everything inside the quotes. The equal sign at the beginning tells Excel that this is a formula. The reference to A4 will put in the PO2 from that cell. $B$3 will be referenced as a constant for all cells on the page.
Step 10: go to cell C4 and enter the same equation but substituting $C$2 for the K in this column.
Step 11: Highlight (by clicking and dragging down) from B4 through B13 and select edit/fill/down or hit Ctrl D. This will fill all the cells with the same equation. Each cell will reference the PO2 value to the left of it yet still use the constant K1 from cell B3.
Step 12: Highlight and fill down for the column C.
Plotting the data
Step 13: Highlight (by holding down and dragging from cell A3 to C13.
Step 14: Select insert/chart to pull up the chart wizard.
Step 15: In the first window of the chart wizard select XY scatter plot and select the choice that gives you lines. If you following the instructions in the chart wizard by selecting next, you will generate a chart.