Notes for lecture 9 - April 27



  1. Assignment update
  2. Discuss chapt 7,8 & 9 from Speth
  3. Hints for assignment 3


1. Assignment update

see the calendar

We'll be finishing Speth soon and moving on to Norton.


2. Discuss chapters from Speth

see my outlines for each chapter and key points in Speth-2008.html

focus of the discussion is on how environmental issues are driving the discussion about how we need new forms of governance and commerce

the "full model" that tracks throughput, waste, and energy use as well as just reinvestment of financial capital gains


3. Constructing an experience

Assignment 2

Ideas from how the "walks" were constructed as assignments

  • identify some objectives
  • be open to adding new ideas
  • identify why it is important
  • what are the experiences that this new experience builds on or overlaps with?
  • what are methods or tools that you can use to enhance the non-book aspects of an experiential assignment?