Notes for lecture 1 - March 30 |
a. brief overview of topics
- problems and what people are writing about them
- exposure to a range of different approaches to environmental science issues
- how we learn about these
- using intellectual tools to study and communicate about these problems
- structure of the information
- matching tools to that structure
- using tools to probe for the structure
- some aspects can only be learned through experience
- this organizes into 3 threads
- what are the problems (readings, discussions)
- how do we learn and undesrtand these (ecological rationality)
- the requirement for experience
- Expanding on the three threads
- Academic (talking, wirting, dialog)
- Structure
- curriculum
- authentic environment
- viewers
- heuristics
- Experience
- for direct comparison (not abstract)
- to appreciate unique features
- experience the sense of place
- a curriculum of place
- the feel of it - beyond the rational
detour: ecological rationality/heuristics/example PMI
b. this course is designed for majors - required course in Env Studies
- content
- help you learn other material more effectively and deliberately
- link to wider range of other disciplines
c. work
- attend lectures
- actively participate in discussions
- short written assignments in class and in preparation for class
- walks - (aka perambulatory perception practice)
- reading and notes before class (check the website for reminder)
- 3 short papers
- 1 final/synthetic paper
d. specific assignments - go through schedule
e. introduce myself
- academic background
- personal situation
- current research projects
- UKL - brown water
- UKL - algal physiology/buoyancy
- Nicaragua
- realization about studying complex systems
- how all of these, sort of, tie together
f. write one page - non graded
- name (pronounciation)
- major, year, etc
- what are several major environmental problems?
- which of these do you plan to work on in you life?
- what do you think you need to know more about to do that?
a. compile a list of environmental problems (each student write out)
- compare this list to others that are generate
b. compare this list to general underlying causes
- scientific knowledge
- problem solving and critical thinking
- values
c. problem types - good framework (will return to this in detail later)
d. discussion on what are the barriers to solving this problem
- Wendell Berry - 3 types of solutions
- doesn't really solve it
- pushes problem somewhere else
- solves "in the pattern
- discuss major barriers
- let's come up with a description of problems that are human + nature
- range of world views
links -