
Possible link between DMS and smells in UKL

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Observations from Aug 21, 2008

With Kim Biafora

Three differnent smells:


fresh grass/meadow

hint of the cooked-corn smell that might indicate DMS

birds - gulls of some kind seem to concentrate in some areas. In two of these areas (off Skillet Handle and by Bennett Point, we smelled a hint of "cooked-corn".

Just north of Buck Island, noticed the putrid smell and the water was brown and colonies were small and looked unhealthy.

moved into high algae

N. Howard Bay, brown water with putrid smell

location algae/water smell birds
between Hanks and Buck diffuse, unhealthy/brown putrid no
off Squaw Point medium density ? yes
N. Howard Bay diffuse, unhealthy/brown putrid no
N of Skillet Handle dense fresh grass no
just E of Skillet Handle medium? corn yes
near Bennet Point brown water no smell no
closer to shore Bennet Point ? corn yes

These observations reinforce the idea that there may be a link betwen birds, cooked-corn smell, and down stream of a dense bloom.

The hypothesis is that rapidly growing colonies have a "fresh grass" smell but then (in time and space) when the bloom maxes out, the nitrogen metabolism becomes limiting and the cells start making DMS. This senescent bloom attracts the daphnia, small fish and sea-birds. Down stream from this area is a decaying algae zone that has a putrid smell.