
Assignment 3

Purpose of the paper:

Read, enjoy and critique one of the classic papers that form the basis for environmental thinking from this list:

Leopold "Sand County Almanac"
Wilson "Biophilia"
Bateson "Mind and Nature"
Thoreau "Walden"
Schumacher "Small is Beautiful"
Tuan "Topophilia"

The hardest task in this paper is to compare points from Speth or Norton to your "Classic". You can start this by looking for references to your chosen text in the index of Speth and Norton.


This paper is worth 15 points total.

In the spirit of a critique, I'd like to see some points of agreement and disagreement and how these might be resolved. This is NOT a book report on your chosen text, rather it's a comparison of that book to the two required texts.


Expected contents and grading rubric (possible points):

a. Summary and impressions of your choice  
  summary of main points 4
  contribution to environmental thought 2
b. Comparision of several points  
  several points that agree with Norton or Speth, for example referenced in Norton or Speth 2
  several points that might disagree 2

why do you think they disagree

development of new ideas

c. Conclusion 3