
Assignment 2: The necessity of direct experience

Purpose of the paper:

A basic claim in this course has been there are some crucial experiences that happen outside the walls of an academic institution. In this reflective paper, I want you to describe three of these:

a. Pick some aspect of an environmental problem (hopefully similar to the one you used for Assignment 1 that you would be able to learn about best from direct experience. For example, what are the observations or connections that you could make by seeing the problem first-hand?

b. Describe how you would plan such an experience. What would you need to know before you went? What would you do on site? How would you effectively reflect on your experiences. How would you report or describe these experiences to other people?

c. Make a short list of pros and cons for using direct experience vs. reading about the problem.

d. Recommend how a combination of experiences and traditional classroom work can be used more effectively together. This should be practical.

This paper is worth 15 points total.

The points for parts a-d are given below. These represents the ideas or concepts that I want you to have addressed in each part.

This paper could be completed in four paragraphs - one to deal with each of a, b, c and d.


Expected contents and grading rubric (possible points):

a. Pick a problem  
  problem description 2
  observations required 2
  direct experience desireable 1
b. Plan  
  preparation before 1
  activity on site 2


  written or verbal report 1
c. Pros and Cons  
  list 2
  actual pros and cons, not just straw arguments 1
d. Recommendation for a blend  
  How would you combine experiential and traditional classroom activities. 2
  Is this practical 1