Monday, March 9, 2009
Lecture 3 - MM uptake and flux
PS3 - CO2 in the atmosphere
- how much is the long term trend
- what is the variability
- 0.5% per year of 355 = 1.8
- sin with amplitude of 3 means plus/minus 3, range of 6, over any annual cycle
PS3 - population harvest had three levels of processes
- "Logistic Equation" controlled the overall trend
- sin function on the carrying capacity that varied over 6 time units
- random factor on the growth rate that went between 1.0 and 0.8
- multiplied growth rate times this factor
- variation was highest when rate was highest
- might see the opposite in many situation
using that information
PS3 - headers of the graphing give key clues
- population
- area and radius
- time and height
- MM
PS3 - CO2 question, put the answer into words
1990 levels were 355 ppm and increase at 0.5% compounded with a seasonal variation of +- 3 ppm
- open system for energy, closed system for nutrients
- control by light availability or nutrients
- threshold model should include positive feedback
- what is lost when constraining description to a system model ?
- everything is a measured quantity, all fish in the reservoir are equal
- information can only go to flows, no other behavior of stocks
- graph of birth_rate vs. population as an example of a threshold
- low populations can have very inefficient reproduction
- lecture ??
- light and nutrients (as above)
- water and light (common for plant studies)
- water, light, CO2, nutrients
- water, energy (fossil fuel), money
create a model structure that controls growth rate of a plant as a function of water availability and light
- two separate flows
- controls one phenomenon - gross increase in plant biomass