amplifies increase AND decrease
increase in temperature --> multiple processes --> further increase in temperature
decrease in biodiversity --> impoverished ecological niches --> further loss of bodiversity
- McKibben -
- NASA -
- Wiki -
- Wiki -
surface temperature goes up because of forcing functions
- some forcing functions are natural
- solar variation
- some are anthropogenic
- increased CO2, methane and other GHG
- some are responses to increase temperature
- methane from tundra
- ice sheet melting
- methane hydrates in the ocean floor
reinforcing climate change is called "runaway climate"
Jim Hansen
"tipping point" = no additional forcing is required for long term climate change
his estimate is that the "tipping point" CO2 is about 350 ppm - i.e. we're past that now
target CO2 used to be 450 ppm
"point of no return" - reaches a point with unstoppable climate impacts that can't be reversed on practical time scales
3. Global climate change
multiple models
Broeker - is the trigger in the atmosphere or ocean
abrupt change in the past
temperature - WHOI page
Thermo Haline Conveyor model
circulation diagram - WHOI page
threshold response of a system
scale of a shift or of response
shifted - hasn't switched back for about 50 yearsUKL example:
P load limitation - decades to centuries
marsh restoration - 5 years
cost of avoiding the shift vs. cost of remediation/restoration
- near balance of input and output - with some variability in the input of CO2
- if the atmosphere reaches a threshold (104% of current) then a new flow kicks in
- required repair costs of $100 per unit over 102%
- because of the stochastic nature of the input, it may or may not require repair
- alternative is to remediate and remove carbon from atmosphere at $100 per unit
run the model multiple times
if it exceeds the threshold the repair costs jump
how little can you spend in remediation to avoid that cost