Lecture 15 - February 25, 2009



1. positive feedback

amplifies increase AND decrease

increase in temperature --> multiple processes --> further increase in temperature

decrease in biodiversity --> impoverished ecological niches --> further loss of bodiversity


2. Runaway climate change after the "tipping" point


surface temperature goes up because of forcing functions

reinforcing climate change is called "runaway climate"

Jim Hansen

"tipping point" = no additional forcing is required for long term climate change

his estimate is that the "tipping point" CO2 is about 350 ppm - i.e. we're past that now

target CO2 used to be 450 ppm

"point of no return" - reaches a point with unstoppable climate impacts that can't be reversed on practical time scales


3. Global climate change

multiple models

Broeker - is the trigger in the atmosphere or ocean

abrupt change in the past

temperature - WHOI page

Thermo Haline Conveyor model

circulation diagram - WHOI page


3. Thresholds, scale and the precautionary principle

threshold response of a system

scale of a shift or of response

shifted - hasn't switched back for about 50 years

UKL example:
P load limitation - decades to centuries
marsh restoration - 5 years

cost of avoiding the shift vs. cost of remediation/restoration


run the model multiple times

if it exceeds the threshold the repair costs jump

how little can you spend in remediation to avoid that cost