Lecture 14 - February 23, 2009

This is being posted ahead of time because it is referenced in the lab. It might be modified by the time of the lecture.


1. Analyzing an existing model

a. take apart the components to see how they work individually

explain each

(this is very similar in set of skills to the multiple-representations)

be able to put back together (over a limited range)

b. example: the Logistic Growth Equation

equation for each time step:

growth_rate = growth_rate_max * (K - N)/K


y = m *X +B
growth_rate = (- growth_rate_max/K) *N + growth_rate_max*K


model behavior:

change in population = growth rate * population at any time

population vs. time

Matching the parts of the equation to the final behavior of the model.


c. That's just one simple part of a model like we've seen before

we used this as a component of a predator-prey model and recycling model


2. Looking at the components in a STELLA diagram

a. look at the grouping of components


look for bi-flow


source or sink

flow control

constant, linear, MM depletion


positive or negative (can't tell from this diagram)

joint or multiplicative control

may contain "efficiency" parameter


linked only through information, no direct flow, different units


b. open up the dialog boxes for the equations or look at the equation sheet

c. construct diagnostic outputs to determine the relationship

d. examples:

Logistic model -

make a plot of flow vs. population

make a plot of growth rate rate vs. population

this is just to check that what you put in is what you get out

watershed runoff model from ESR220

look at each component / understand the statements


3. Positive and negative feedback (immediate or loop)


STELLA diagram

equation for response

positive: rate of inflow is a positive function of stock

negative: if stock gets higher then rate in gets slower


could be multiple causal steps leading to the increase or decrease of the rate of input

examples - draw on board or go to lect 15

why these are important

control-systems rely on a combination of positive and negative

short term positive or near-scale positive

longer term or larger scale negative