Resource limitation - MM flow control of the resource to new growth
predator prey - multiplicative interaction term for efficiency of harvest of prey by predator
linear flow control - more in reservoir leads to faster loss rate
constant flow control - constant amount leaves reservoir each time unit (down to zero)
four compartments
- nutrient in soil
- plant uptake (MM equation)
- rabbit (eats plant with Pred/prey dynamics)
- decomposers (get material from plants or rabbits)
- decomposers seep nutrient to soil
draw on board
each component reaction
link together
short-term "logic"
- what factors increase or decrease a compartment in the next interval (may be longer than a single computational time step)
- example: high grasss and high rabbits --> high decomposers in the next interval
- do these make sense?
- nutrient is conserved
- only one limiting nutrient through all three biological compartments
but if you can't describe the behavior of this, how can you describe the behavior of busier models
4. Implementation in STELLA
detritus(t) = detritus(t - dt) + (r_to_d + p_to_d - d_to_n) * dt INFLOWS: INFLOWS: INFLOWS: INFLOWS: |
limited rate of resource return