
The purpose of this project is for you to examine environmental data, create a STELLA model or models, and use this model to formulate a research plan. This plan will be presented to the rest of the class and you will lead a discussion.

There are four parts to your project:

1. Selecting a system and data that you will try to understand

2. Work with the data to put it into a form that you can use in STELLA. Create a STELLA model that describes a simplified or idealized form of the essential behavior of this system.

3. Use this model to highlight some aspect that needs further study. Formulate a hypothesis or several related hypotheses. Design a simple research plan that would address these questions.

4. Present your background, model and research plan to the class. Lead a discussion.


Suggested Projects

The following systems have have available reports and data that we feel are sufficient for an appropriate level of the group project. You may want to suggest another project. For example, you might want to model the data you collected in Fall term.

1. Rainfall, streamflow in several streams, groundwater flow and storage and evapotranspiration in the Johnson Creek Drainage.

2. Population data for fisheries




more later


Presentation format and expectations

Your group presentation will be in Powerpoint. You will present some important information on the system you modeled, describe your assumptions, present the model and output, suggest targetted research questions that could improve your understanding of the sytem based on the model.

This presenation will be in the format of a research proposal. You should end with a specific list and time line for the monitoring or data collection, analysis and reporting that you are proposing to do.