Miller 13, 14 and 15 editions

The reading list was designed for the 14th edition.

Chapter Title 14th 13th 15th
Environment Problems, Their causes and sustainability


1 1
Envionmental History: Learning from the past 2 2 ?
Science, systems, matter, and energy 3 3 2
Ecosystems: What are they and how do they work 4 4 3
Evolution and Biodiversity 5 5 4
Climate and Terrestrial Biodiversity 6 6 5
Aquatic biodiversity 7 7 6
Community Ecology 8 8 7
Population Ecology 9


Applying Population Ecology: The human population 10 12 9
Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: Managing and protecting ecosystems 11 23 10
Sustaining Biodiversity: The species approach 12 22? 11
Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity 13 24 12
Food and Soil Resources 14 13 13
Water Resources 15 14 14
Geology and Nonrenewable mineral resources 16 15 15
Nonrenewable energy resources 17 15 16
Energy efficiency and renewable energy 18 16 17
Risk, toxicology, and human health 19 11 18
Air pollution 20 17 19
Climate change and ozone loss 21 18 20
Water pollution 22 19 21
Pest management 23 20 13
Solid and hazardous waste 24 21 22
Sustainable cities 25 25 23
Economics, environment, and sustainability 26 26 24
Politics, environment, and sustainability 27 27 25
Environmental worldviews, ethics and sustainability 28 28 26