Lecture 5
October 12, 2008
return assignment with comments
- needed to address IPAT and 2nd Law (examples)
- base your claims on the science and accepted principles
- attribution of reference (name, year, title, journal or web site, (website address)
food chain and network from lecture 4 (catch up time)
Chapter 5:
- weather and climate
- global biogeography of
biomes and ocean circulation
- el Nino, la Nina, Southern
Ocean Oscillation
- local climate and geographic
- latitude and altitude
- biomes
- 8 types
- North to South or high altitude to sea level
- other factors that create biomes
- prevailing wind and mountains that either cause rain (on one side) or shadow on the other side
- not in book
- ecoregions (link)
- climate graphs
- multiple examples of
food webs in different biomes
- accompanying examples
of the degradation of natural environments