October 6, 2008
1. comments on assignment
2. Chapter 2 - scientific method
3. ecology
4. clarification of "read&discuss #1"
Review "themes" of the course
nature of environmental problems - many are complex or "wicked"
these involve tradeoffs in resource use or impacts
studying these tradeoffs - have to simultaneously consider many points
cognitive support for this (lists, models)
use scientific adaptive management to explore solutions, reduce uncertainty, move forward
the correct answer is not known, and maybe can't be known right now
many suggested solutions were to increase regulation or enforcement
- move to flexible incentives
- provide better information structures (Nudge)
- change from regulating pollution at the end of the pipe to cleaning up problems at the source
when describing what you don't know, how can you not sound naive (focus on process) (NCIIA)
there is primary research that needs to be done (gaps in our knowledge, example - Willamette)
problems are linked, not by cause and effect but as complex interactions
in the steps to addressing the problem, what is the role of personal responsibility vs. working on solving the problems?
- perceive a problem and have to act (precautionary principle and understanding)
- what is the nature of your personal actions vs. the infrastructure and society you work in?
- road, house, Broadway Building, life cycle of a car battery
- social change - example the paper vs. plastic bag problem (bring your own, companies preparing for the switch)
scientific method
hypothesis testing - expanding spiral
feedback systems -
positive feedback
negative feedback
energy and work
laws of thermodynamics (conservation of energy and degradation of usable energy with each step)
open and closed systems
organisms are open systems for material and energy
ecosystems can be close to closed systems for material but not energy