Question types

We discussed how the quiz may contain the following types of questions:

1. linking multiple concepts

How are concept X, Y and Z related?

A simple way to answer this is to define each term and then make a linkage. You might also want to provide a concrete example of how they are linked.

2. contrasting concepts

Compare X and Y. How are they different.

You may describe how they are similar in one way, but different at some other level.

For example, compare industrial and high-intensity agriculture.

3. simple content

List a number of factors that contribute to ....

For example, list four factors that promote biodiversity.

4. reverse definition

A description of the concept is given and you are supposed to link it to the term. This can be important in linking components of that description to other areas of study.

For example, in the last quiz I asked how climate and soils related to regional level patterns in plants. "Regional patterns in plant growth" is pretty close to the definition of "biomes". That should have triggered other relations.

5. judgement based on some facts

You are asked to make a choice and justify it.

In this course, the important part of the justification is what facts you chose and how they support your judgement, not the judgement.