The purpose of this assignment is to formulate a statement about how society could decrease energy use and still prosper and be a healthy society. There are many suggestions about how to decrease our dependence on oil or shifting to renewable energy, but this assignment will force you to consider decreasing total energy use.
This paper should have 4 short paragraphs and be less than 2 pages of font size 12.
a. (2 points) Define and state a problem that centers around reducing energy consumption. For example, you might want to focus on increasing efficiency or reducing resource use.
b. (2) What type of problem is it (from table of problem types)? If it is not a "wicked" problem defend why everyone agrees. If it is a "wicked" problem explain how to approach the information and social dimensions of the problem.
c. (2) What actions would you take to address this problem. How might you use approaches at different scales (such as a individual house, neighborhood, local community, town or city, state and larger).
d. (2) Evaluation and summary of your main points. If you have a strong solution then try to sell it. If you are uncertain, elaborate some of the restrictions on when this might work best.
3. (2) Format, clarity, grammar and spelling. Be sure to proof read for homophones such as to, too, two. Spell check won't get those. Nor will it get the wrong word spelled correctly. For example, if you wanted to type poor and typed poop. You (not Word) need to check your document.