Lecture 10: Multiple perspectives and
scenarios for global change
Review and questions on the exam at the end
March 11, 2010
- Problem with predicting the future is that it is uncertain
- description of uncertainty
- precautionary principle
- game against nature
- using pluralistic management (and multiple perspectives) to examine uncertainty
- HEI framework and examples:
- demographic transition
- water and agriculture
- atmospheric carbon and temperature
- mismatches
- MEA scenarios and projections
- summary
- results from Quiz 2 and preparation for the exam
- course evaluation
1. The future is uncertain
2. Uncertainty has different components and can be described
risk, uncertainty and indeterminancy
van-asselt-rotmans-2002 notes part A
games against nature
5. Pluralistic Management
Multiple perspectives, plurality, and scenarios
van-asselt-rotmans-2002 notes part B
heirarchist, egalitarian, individualist
water resources - part B continued
demographic transition
review - systems view of the DT
atmospheric carbon and temperature
van-asselt-rotmans-2002 Part C
Mismatches (part C and back to part B)
7. MEA scenarios
powerpoint - but see the reading
- slide 14 - 17: functions
- slides 31 - 36: loss of services
- slide 43
- slides 52-56: freswater and other degraded systems
- slides 68 - 82: scenarios
- brown = Order from Strength
- green = adapting mosaic
- blue = technogarden
- red = global orchestration
8. Summary
9. quiz 2 results and comments
10. course evaluation
dependence on the website
link to the lab section